Homeowner rigs booby trap to get revenge on package thieves

According to a survey from Security.org, 38% of Americans believe they’ve had a package stolen from their home. Previous surveys had that number at 31%, showing that this seems to be an increasing problem.

Having a package stolen can be quite frustrating.

One person decided to ensure that they would never have a package stolen from their porch ever again.

And also decided he would give some package pirates a good scare.

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Jaireme Barrow was sick of porch pirates in his neighborhood.

Jaireme Barrow is from Tacoma, Washington and many people have applauded his rather controversial method of dealing with package thieves. Barrow was irritated after having had several packages with expensive Jeep parts stolen from his property. So, he decided to “level the playing field.”

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Barrow’s porch pirate trap.

In response to having his packages stolen, Barrow set up a trap where blank shotgun shells fire off whenever someone tries to remove one of the packages set up on his porch. While they are only blanks, the sound of the shots is enough to scare anyone.

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He then set up cameras on his porch and on his front lawn to film the reactions of the would-be package thieves he scared.

“Jaireme Barrow, from Tacoma, Washington, was becoming increasingly irritated with people nicking his expensive Jeep parts and vowed to “even the playing field.” Using 12-gauge shotgun blanks, fishing line, bricks, a wooden box, an aluminium carrying vessel for the blanks, a small plate and a cardboard box he crafted his opus,” a description of the video reads.

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Barrow’s trap lures in many would-be porch pirates.

Barrow posted some of the best reactions of porch pirates that he scared. The videos also help illustrate how some of these package thieves operate. Many of them put very little effort into shielding their identity as they attempt to commit a crime. It’s as if some of these thieves have no idea how common porch cameras are now.

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Scurrying away.

It’s fun to watch people get their comeuppance, be it in film and television or in real life. When these porch pirates hear the shotgun shells, they have no idea if they are real or fake. Many of them stumble all over themselves as they attempt to flee from the porch. This will hopefully make them think twice about their actions.

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A YouTube video featuring Barrow’s trap in action also includes instructions on how anyone can build a similar trap of their own.

“All you’ll need to make your own: 12-gauge shotgun blanks, fishing line, bricks, a wooden box, an aluminium carrying vessel for the blanks, a small plate and a cardboard box.”

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Purchase your own!

Barrow found his trap was so successful that he started marketing it as a product. For those unable to make a similar setup on their own, the BlankBox is now available for purchase.

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“TheBlankBox is an entertaining way to deter package theft or a prank device that gets A LOT of attention. TheBlankBox originated from watching people run away with our packages while we were at work and we wanted a way to prank a porch pirate! TheBlankBox is an effective way to deter someone from stealing from you, plus, it makes for some entertaining video!”

Watch the video below!

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Source: Original Jedi Watching/Security.org
