Huge Pit Bull and tiny kitten become the best of friends

An American Pit Bull and a teeny tiny kitten couldn’t be more different.

But, despite their obvious differences in stature and species, one pet owner decided to bring a kitten home to introduce to her pit bull. Of course, it was impossible to know how they would get along.

flickr/blgrssby Source: flickr/blgrssby

Bringing home a new pet is always exciting. However, when you have other animals in your family, they’ll have to do some acclimating as well.

Fortunately for us, the lady made sure to record the meeting because it turned out to be super cute!

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YouTube user 1984missdaisy is the pet-mom of a sweet-looking dog named Licious. One day, she had a little surprise for her furry friend: she had adopted a kitten! In order for the two to get to know each other, she set the kitten down by Licious for their first meeting.

Right away, the kitty seems curious about the massive pooch and her huge paws!

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So, if you were hoping for a hit of cuteness, you came to the right place. The little orange kitten went right up to the pitbull’s paws to say hello.

The wide-eyed kitten had likely never met another animal so huge! You can see the expression of curiosity and awe on her adorable furry face.

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The kitten inspected with a sniff before starting to play with the Pit Bull’s paws.

Licious the Pit just watched her with gentle eyes. Her demeanor remained calm, but she was obviously also very curious as to why the cute orange fur ball was climbing all over her. Her owner then asks:

“What’s that kitty doing to ya, Mama?”

Excited by her owner’s voice, the dog’s tail began wagging and she pounced with loving puppy licks!

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Clearly a great introduction, Licious showered the baby cat with kisses.

It’s totally adorable to see how quickly Licious learns to love her tiny new pal. Perhaps her maternal instinct pushed her to behave like the mother of the little one. One YouTube viewer commented:

“Your pitbull is behaving like a mother to the kitten when she was licking her underbelly and behind. That how they encourage their baby to potty.”

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This is a fond example of animal friendship.

Although popular culture leads us to believe cats and dogs are sworn enemies, this is clearly untrue. According to the AKC, there are even certain dog breeds that are “typically good with cats.” The list includes Basset Hounds, Labs, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, Pugs, and suggests that with a good introduction, socialization, and training – most breeds can live harmoniously with a cat.

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Licious’s owner soon decides that she has had enough kisses.

The woman says:

“Lish, enough with the licking. Lish, no more kisses!”

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The video comes to an end sooner than we would like, but it definitely seems like these two went on to have a great relationship.

Another commenter wrote:

“Oh…oh my… this is too much cuteness then I can handle.”

To date, this video has collected over 10 million views!

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Watch the video below to see the adorable introduction.

It will certainly brighten your day!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: AKC, YouTube
