Man films his dog farting louder than any human he’s heard before

Animals are very similar to humans. They eat, drink, and excrete waste. They are also capable of reproduction and some can even develop feelings of jealousy. Farting seems to be something animals can do, too!

One particular video of a dog farting is going viral on the internet.

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You see, it’s not an ordinary fart. It’s so loud that you wouldn’t believe it came from a dog!

The pooch was sitting on the carpet. At first, you’d think it’s just a regular video of a dog enjoying a very lazy day.

However, a few seconds into the video, you’ll hear a really loud fart.

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If the camera wasn’t focused on the dog, you’d think that it didn’t come from him. It was very human-like.

And the funniest thing?

The dog didn’t even care. He’s just releasing gas and that’s what mattered to him. He didn’t care if his human was nearby. The dog didn’t even look at the man.

The unashamed dog didn’t fart just once.

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He actually farted multiple times. He has so much air coming from his tummy!

Instead of feeling grossed out, a lot of people found the video quite amusing.

One of the viewers said:

“Omg this made my day I couldn’t stop laughing ❤️❤️😂😂😂😂😂”

Another one commented:

“I love how he sits there, leaning into it; a look of concentration on his face.”

Although hilarious, some of the people who were able to view the video expressed concern.

One of them said:

“This dog needs a change in diet. The food is causing gastrointestinal issues.. My dog had the same ridiculous farts until I switched up his food.”

This YouTube user actually has a point.

Excessive flatulence is typically related to a dog’s diet.

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The issue isn’t generally caused by the food’s quality. In most cases, it has something to do with the dog’s food tolerance. Some dogs can’t digest certain ingredients in their foods, causing their intestinal tract to create more gas than usual. Dogs with this problem tend to have a slightly sloppier poo as well.

Some of the most common causes of excessive flatus formation include indigestible carbohydrates like certain meat products and fermentable fibers. Foul-smelling gas is typically associated with high-meat products.

Dogs that raid the cat food or the garbage can are more likely to experience the same thing. Dietary indiscretions put dogs at an increased risk of GI upset which is related to excessive gas.

In addition to that, a dog’s eating behavior can also lead to excessive flatulence. This is particularly true among dogs with competitive and aggressive eating behaviors.

When they “wolf” their food down, they experience an increased amount of swallowed air. This leads to bloating, burping and flatulence.

It’s not clear what caused the dog’s excessive farting.

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However, just like humans, he shouldn’t be shamed for behaving that way. It’s uncomfortable to have too much gas in one’s stomach. Farting is his only way to feel better and we should be alright with that.

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Source: Animal Channel, YouTube
