Husband gags as he describes bad-smelling woman at the store and wife can't keep it together

Darcy Cimarello’s gotten over 8.3 million views for this video. There’s no singing or dancing involved, no random act of kindness or cute animals. Just her husband telling the story of how he came across smelly women.
The poor guy encountered two unbelievably smelly women in a store and it must have been really bad as he’s having a hard time telling his wife the story.

Pete does attempt to narrate his encounter with the offensive odor but whenever he tried to recall the moment, he would dry-retch.

It’s hilarious trying to watch Pete tell his story and even Darcy kept pushing him to continue his experience. He’s a good guy though so he does try to tell the story.
“Was it just body odour … like they hadn’t had a bath in a month?” she asks with a delighted cackle. “Was it a farm smell? … Was it a menstrual smell?”
Darcy had him at her mercy.

Pete just gags after a few words and that in itself tells you how offensive the smell must have been. All the horrid scents in this world do not compare to what Pete experienced that day.

He was at the check out counter and according to his story, even the other people were holding their breath while the women just went about their business like nothing was wrong.
Still, Darcy pressed on.
“Was it more like they hadn’t had a bath in a month?”
Pete replies in front of the kitchen sink just in case the thought of the odor stimulates his gag reflex again.
“More than a month.”

The kind of smell that only bathing in gasoline would cure.
It boggles the mind how some people can just go about their lives with poor hygiene. Poor Pete must have started his day with a smile on his face. No wonder he was “white as a sheet,” according to Darcy’s description.

Still, this short clip made a lot of people laugh. Including this viewer.
“This is a permanent bookmark for me now. I rarely laugh anymore because of chronic severe pain, depression, anxiety, just to mention a few, and even though it hurt me from laughing so hard, I still needed to laugh. Thank you for making my day. I will continue to go back on this daily when I need to smile or laugh. God bless you both.”

Who knew that body odor could brighten up someone’s day.
Pete finally describes the women’s stench as “s–t and piss” but even he can’t help but laugh at his constant retching. Add to that Darcy’s cackling at his expense and it’s just pure comedy.

Now if Pete’s story telling is accurate, then surely someone called out those women in public? There’s just no way everyone was being nice about it. Unless of course it really was horrendous and everyone just stayed out of their way.
Poor Pete!! Laugh along with Darcy as he tells his story below!
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Source: Darcy Cimarello, Daily Liked