Husky breaks from script during competition and has audience in hysterics

Lobo is a gorgeous Siberian Husky who found himself at the Westminster Kennel Club’s 2020 dog show. Clearly, his talents and training must be significantly impressive in order for him to be on the docket of such an elite competition. In fact, any dog that would find itself in the competition is only there by invite from the Kennel Club, and that invite only arrives after they have won at least one major breed championship.

So, surely, Lobo the husky has proven himself at least once as a superior show dog, and he was entered into the 24″ agility competition to prove it again earlier this year.

The only problem is that Lobo really wasn’t feeling the obstacle course this year and totally broke script to make it better.

You know that old saying, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”? Well, apparently that sentiment applies to dogs, too.

As he calmly sat by his handler’s side in his assigned bench, Lobo gave no indication that he was going to break routine.

When the time came for him to show off his skills in the obstacle ring, his handler, Adam Davis, put him in front of the first obstacle, a short jumping hurdle.

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On cue and just as expected, Lobo cleared his first obstacle in the competition with ease.

As he pranced toward the other obstacles, though, the Husky caught sight of the cameraman and was totally thrown off his routine. He circles back around toward his handler and it takes a few seconds to get him back on track.

In a prestigious competition like the Westminster dog show, however, even the tiniest of mistakes will cost the competitor major points. The course had just begun and poor Lobo was already off to a terrible start.

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After recollecting himself for a moment, Davis got Lobo’s head back in the game.

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The dog goes on to weave around the course clearing the next four jumps in the competition.

When it comes time for him to do the famous pole weaving, though, Lobo decides he doesn’t want to do that pesky course again. He weaves through one pole and walks completely away from the obstacle.

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Considering the long hard months that Davis had likely poured into Lobo’s training, we can only imagine how frustrated he must have been. A professional to his core, though, and unlike his scatter-brained Husky, the handler completely kept his cool and simply tried to steer his wayward pup back toward this all-important obstacle.

The distracted Husky complies with his handler and weaves through the poles. We’re guessing his performance wasn’t nearly as graceful as his practice sessions, as the dog looks like a drunk friend trying to pull off a field sobriety test.

Finally, Lobo weaves through the last of the annoying poles, but not before stopping shy of the last one for a quick sniff of nothing.

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At this point, the competition announcers realize this isn’t going to be a standard course run, and that they might as well stop trying to tally his points. At over 30 seconds into the course, Lobo had already lost the competition.

“Okay, I’m gonna say it. Enough’s enough. Let’s just go, let’s just have some fun,” an announcer says as Lobo carries on.

It seems that at this point, Lobo takes on a renewed interest in crushing the obstacle course.

The dog speeds up and over the tall, narrow ramp straight through the half-circle tunnel, and back out to clear two more hurdles. It seems that now he has no chance of winning, Lobo was finally taking the competition seriously. That is until he spots something more interesting over on the sidelines.

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After speeding through one of the last legs of the obstacle run, Lobo decides to take a breather and runs up to the sidelines to investigate what looks like a leash lying on the benches. After a quick “shoo!” from a nearby competition staff member, Lobo runs back out into the ring to hammer out the rest of the course.

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Lobo races up another high, narrow ramp and comes down to clear 8 more jumps peppered in with a sea-saw and another run through the tunnel.

Even though it’s painfully obvious to everyone else that this wayward dog lost his place in the competition, Lobo finishes the course looking particularly pleased with himself. The dog show took place early last month and since the video was uploaded on February 10th, it’s raked in well over 2 million views and counting.

Lobo may not have lived up to the high-held standards of the competition, but there was no question that he was every audience member’s favorite competitor that day.

To see his hilarious performance, watch the video for yourself below.

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Source: FOX Sports/Cesars Way
