Husky hero finds box of near-dead kittens in woods and becomes their new mom

Dogs are absolutely loyal to the bone, brave, and incredibly compassionate and helpful – all traits that the service dog Banner shows every single day.

The three-year-old beautiful Husky has been living with her owner Whitney Braley and helps her with her disability in a couple of different ways.

Banner can alert other people when her owner is having anxiety or PTSD attacks, and she can even bring her medication when needed.

Banner and Whitney are absolutely inseparable, and he has been living with the disabled woman ever since she was a small puppy.

Whitney’s husky seems to be an all-star therapy dog.

“She alerts to PTSD episodes, anxiety attacks, migraines, guidework, momentum pull, medication retrieval, self harm interruption and a few more,” the woman said to Bored Panda.

You could say that Banner is a true life-saver for Whitney every single day, but one day, she quite literally saved the lives of a couple of kittens.

The affectionate Husky has actually always had a thing for cats, and kittens in particular.

Whitney herself is also a huge animal lover, and these two are certainly a match made in heaven. Whenever they can help out a kitten in need, both of them won’t hesitate for a second.

Whitney still recalls how they took care of the first rescued cat.

“We do a lot of rescue, and she’s always attached to kittens. Two years ago I had my first bottle baby kitten that was found in a ditch, and Banner raised her. That particular cat still lives with us but she’s fostered at least ten different litters of kittens over the years. This is the first time SHE found something like this.”

This time, it was indeed very different.

Banner found a box with seven newborn kittens inside.

They were in bad shape and nearly freezing to death.

The Husky immediately ran towards her owner to alert her.

Whitney then came to the woods and managed to bring all of the seven kittens back home with them, one by one. She believes that someone couldn’t carry the burden of this new litter and decided to abandon them.

“Someone must have just put them into a cardboard box, closed the lid tight, and left them there to die,” the woman told Metro. “They probably thought that no one would ever discover them. I don’t even know how Banner knew they were in there. The kittens were freezing and weren’t meowing or anything.”

“It makes me sick that anyone could do that to these tiny innocent animals. It’s so cruel and heartless.”

Luckily, the kittens are doing much better now. Banner even considers herself to be their mom now!

This pooch’s motherly love simply won’t go away, and she just loves spending time with her kitten family.

They’re currently fostering them, but Whitney will make sure that every single kitten will find a good, warm, and loving home eventually.

“Now I will find the kittens appropriate homes, that will love them forever. Our local shelter kills in three days, so it’s best if I do it myself. That’s the reason I always end up fostering babies. I don’t want them to die.”

“I’m so happy that now because of Banner, these kittens will go on to live their lives with loving families. It warms my heart.”

Banner is an absolutely amazing Husky and these kittens wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for her.

An absolutely amazing rescue story filled with love. Be sure to check out Banner’s Instagram profile for regular updates on the four-footer and all sorts of adventures with her new furry friends.

You can watch Banner play with one of her tiny new charges in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, Metro, Bannerthesuperdog (Instagram)
