Husky leads owner in game of chase and takes him straight to baby left in park

Not all heroes wear capes.

Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes, and in this case, the hero came with white fluffy fur, heterochromia, and a tail.

Semi-retired Terry Walsh came upon the biggest surprise of his life when his dog Hel went rogue.

When he chased after him, it was only then that he realized that the dog was a hero.

A walk in the park

Walsh and Hel were walking through The Mound in Kings Norton in Birmingham.

Walsh thought it would be just routine but suddenly, Hel started acting strange.

The white Siberian husky suddenly rushed through an overgrowth.

Walsh followed and saw Hel lying down beside a rolled-up blanket. He was nudging the blanket with its nose.

Then Walsh heard a faint cry.

Walsh quickly rushed to the blanket and uncovered it.

He suspects that the boy was maybe just hours old.

He tried to call for help but he realized that he didn’t have his phone with him.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

“Suddenly I heard this baby cry. I think it was Hel’s gentle nudging and the heat from my Husky’s body that woke the baby up,” he said, as quoted by the Daily Mail UK.

Searching for clues

Upon finding the baby, Walsh also looked for clues as to who left the baby under the bushes.

He said that he made a quick survey of the area in different directions but his search yielded nothing.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

Fortunately, Walsh found a mother with two kids nearby and told him what he just saw.

The woman then called for help and emergency services responded promptly.

He was thankful Hel found him.

He shared that it could’ve ended differently if it was an untrained dog.

There was also the problem of wild animals in the area like foxes, rats, and other animals that can gnaw or bite on the little baby.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

He considers the entire encounter as a miracle.

Finding the baby was one thing, but finding him alive was something else entirely.

“I said to my neighbors, Heaven sent Hel to rescue newborn baby boy!” he said.

An investigation was launched.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

From lost to found

After eight months of searching, the West Midlands Police confirmed that the mother has been found.

The search was supported by the Thames Valley Police, especially with the creation of the e-fit, and the general public who expressed concern over what transpired.

However, the police also clarified that they only looked for the mother so they can make sure that she receives proper care and support, especially in her circumstances.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

“We can confirm that no further action will be taken by us and, with partners, we are ensuring that she is getting the appropriate support and care she needs,” the department said.

Meanwhile, Hel’s getting all the praise.

The comments said that it was well-timed as the duo found the baby close to late afternoon.

If the boy was not found, no one could tell what would happen to him after sunset.

Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police Source: Facebook Screenshot - The West Midlands Police

While others recognized the efforts of both, one comment said that Hel deserves a medal.

Learn more about Hel’s incredible rescue in the video below!

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Source: Facebook – Birmingham Live, Daily Mail, Facebook – West Midlands Police
