Dog hilariously fails during obstacle course competition – but the crowd loves him anyway

Dogs are amazing animals. Not only are they friendly, caring, and loyal, but they can also be incredibly intelligent! Dogs can be trained to detect bombs, catch criminals, guide the visually impaired, and even navigate complex obstacle courses too.

If you’ve ever watched a dog obstacle course competition, you’ll know how impressive these animals can be.

They seem to know their way around the course like the back of their paw, ducking, diving, climbing, and leaping over and under the various obstacles with speed and grace.

At least, that’s what they’re supposed to do, but every now and then, you get a dog who just isn’t quite feeling it.

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During the 24 inch agility contest of the Westminster Kennel Club, Lobo the Siberian Husky decided he’d prefer to have a little fun and enjoy his moment in the spotlight, rather than trying to beat the best time and top the leaderboard.

Lobo and his handler Alan Davis step up to the starting line, and we can already see that Lobo is a little distracted.

He’s gazing around at the crowd, seeming surprised and amazed that all those people are there to see him!

The commentators mention what a beautiful dog he is but wonder whether he’ll be fast and accurate enough to become a true champion. Well, they were in for quite a surprise.

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Moments later, Lobo’s run begins! He takes the first jump in style, soaring gracefully over the gate, but immediately starts to lose focus as he spots the cameraman filming him and starts walking over to take a closer look.

His handler manages to get him back on track for another few jumps, but when Lobo spots a line of posts he’s supposed to weave between, he simply ignores them at first until Alan guides him back around.

Lobo very slowly walks around a few of the poles before giving up and moving on to the next obstacle as the commentators laugh and the audience starts to cheer.

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Lobo then takes a moment to show off his skills, sprinting over a few obstacles before getting distracted yet again! This time, he spots something furry on the side of the arena and jogs over to take a look.

A few seconds later, Alan manages to lure him back over to the course.

One of the commentators says that Lobo is guaranteed to be the “crowd favorite” of the evening and jokes that there’s always one dog like Lobo who goes totally off-script during these kinds of events.

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Lobo manages to keep his focus for the rest of the course.

He jumps over the last few gates, hitting some of the bars and racking up a total of 60 faults in the end, but earning a lot of applause from the crowd for his efforts.

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Of course, with a total time of 136.32 seconds, including 60 seconds of penalties, Lobo is way behind the top score of 46.32, but he’s still a very good boy and put a lot of smiles on the faces of the crowd with his awesome performance!

Check it out for yourself down below.

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Source: Fox Sports
