Husky stubbornly refuses to get out of bed and falls asleep snuggling toddler

Do you know Millie, Rupert & Lola? If you do, then you’re a certified follower of the famous Milpert Husky!

Ever since Parker was born, he has known these beautiful Huskies and, in fact, their videos prove that these dogs love and protect Parker to no end.

Who could ever forget the day when Parker was brought home by his parents and the time he was introduced to the Huskies? For their fans, time flies so fast.

Now, Parker is a big boy and is best friends with all the Huskies in his family.

Aaron Wallman posted a video on May 05, 2020 on YouTube. According to his caption:

“Parker always cuddles Millie before he goes to sleep it’s like a daily need for him haha! He’s been this way for 2 years now. He loves his huskies so much. I think Millie our husky believes she is his mother. Her maternal instincts are so beautiful from her having puppies a few years back.”

We see at the beginning of the video Millie, the big Husky is lying in bed.

She looks quite comfortable too. Parker also looks just as excited as he climbs up the bed to be with his bed friend.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

Aaron is trying to ask Millie to get out of the bed, but Millie doesn’t listen.

Everyone is laughing at how stubborn Millie is and then Parker climbs the bed as well, getting ready to sleep.

Parker and his dad start playing peek-a-boo and it is so adorable! Aaron acts as if he is shocked and makes funny noises, making his son giggle.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

After some time, Parker’s dad returns with his bottle and what Millie does next is just too adorable.

Millie looks closely at Parker, as if asking for milk as well.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

Aaron starts speaking as if he is Millie herself. He asks Parker for some milk and the toddler is giggling again.

They were all too funny and sweet; no wonder this video already has more than 5 million views!

While Parker is drinking his milk, Aaron reaches his hand out and gives Millie a good belly rub.

As Parker is about to finish up, Aaron asks Millie to get out of the bed again.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

He pulls the blanket so Millie can go down but the beautiful husky doesn’t want to leave.

She even pretends not to hear the request.

Finally, Aaron gives up and covers Millie with the blanket again.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

“You just stay there,” Aaron says finally accepting defeat.

Now, we see little Parker sleeping soundly, and Millie? Well, she’s facing the toddler, looking at him with those loving eyes.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

Her maternal instinct does shine through and we can see just how much she loves the little hooman.

She gives him a small kiss then looks at Aaron before positioning herself, cuddling little Parker and sleeping as well.

milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot Source: milperthusky / YouTube Screenshot

It is all too beautiful! What’s the best part, you may ask?

Well, it’s that moment of watching this tiny human and his loving husky cuddling together while they fall asleep.

It’s too adorable not to share, so please don’t forget to watch the video and follow them on Instagram.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: milperthusky YouTube, milperthusky
