This ice skating couple’s sultry routine to “Phantom of the Opera” is absolutely breathtaking

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

No one can deny that the songs in The Phantom of the Opera are catchy. And these skaters have given one of them a whole new life.

When Meryl Davis and Charlie White made it into the US Figure Skating Championships, they were determined to give the judges and the audience something to remember.

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Both were fans of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom of the Opera.

The song Overture/Hannibal from The Phantom of the Opera isn’t the kind of music you typically hear on a skating rink. After all, who associates the organ with graceful movement? But the couple was determined to make it work.

So they practiced for months until they had a routine that would do the eerie, catchy song justice.

On the day of the competition, the young skaters assumed their starting position, bowing down near one another.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

The music started playing, and the two leaped out.

White span around as Davis skated away. Then White started skating after Davis, like The Phantom of the Opera himself chasing down a victim.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

White then held onto Davis’s hips and they both span around on the spot, putting one leg in the air.

Then, as the song kicked in, the couple, still holding on to one another, skated rapidly across the rink.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

The organ music really made their movements look powerful. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did!

At the one minute mark of the song, White picked up Davis into his arms and held her as he still skated very rapidly.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

Then he span on the spot, still holding Davis.

When the lyrics started, the couple slowed down, with White pursuing Davis’s moves, again like the Phantom chasing a victim.

Then, as the lyrics became more affectionate, so do did the skating couple. They started interacting with one another, and then Davis started skating after White.

The couple’s skating then started to look more like a couple dancing gracefully across a ballroom.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

As the lyrics became more operatic, the couple pulled off a move that was more ambitious than anything that had come before. White held Davis’s hips once more. She rolled 360 degrees in his hands then climbed onto his shoulders. White was skating backward this entire time.

Still skating backward, White arched forward and stretched back his leg. Davis sat on White’s shoulders, put a foot on Davis’s leg and spread her arms.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

That move must take a lot of practice and trust, but this couple made it look easy!

The crowd cheered at this amazing move. They would not be forgetting this routine any time soon!

After this move, the couple started skating on their knees across the floor. Then they slowed down into a lover’s embrace.

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

When the organ music started playing again, the couple leaped up and started skating parallel to one another, perfectly emulating each other’s moves.

Then the couple danced with one another like lovers on a dancefloor for the final seconds of the performance.

The crowd cheered out again, amazed at what they had seen.

The performance then found its way onto YouTube. People online have been wowed. Commenters have been saying things like this:

Giulio Colapinto/YouTube Source: Giulio Colapinto/YouTube

It’s hard to imagine a song like Overture/Hannibal working on the ice rink. But Davis and White have proved that it really can!

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Source: Giulio Colapinto
