IKEA is selling tiny houses that require absolutely no assembly

Home is where you make memories.

Pexels - James Frid Source: Pexels - James Frid

Home is not a privilege that everyone can afford, but it is something that everyone deserves. No matter how grand or small your house is, it will provide you with a comfortable feeling that isn’t quite replaceable. People are able to get that comfort even in tiny homes.

Tiny houses are becoming increasingly popular.

Pexels - Niel Kelly Source: Pexels - Niel Kelly

Why need more when you can settle for less?

We all have different philosophies and codes we live by. Some people want their things to be as extravagant as possible, but for some people, less is more.

People also want everything according to their needs. Downsizing your lifestyle can liberate you in many ways and a tiny home is one part of that.

Tiny houses are more affordable than the bigger ones.

Josiah and Steph photography Source: Josiah and Steph photography

One of the most important things for people nowadays is being free from any financial problems. It is preferable to live a debt-free but less luxurious life than to be buried by financial burdens.

The bigger the house you have, the higher the expenses you’ll have to bear. A tiny house can be as cheap as $10,000, while the cost of the average tiny house is $40,000. If you have a bigger house, you’ll require more furniture and your expenses will keep on growing.

Big things have big problems!

Josiah and Steph photography Source: Josiah and Steph photography

Go small and embrace the new normal.

People are increasingly seeing this novel concept of the tiny home as something more than just a fashion trend. It is paving the way for people to be more financially secure and, more importantly, to live with less.

The desire for more often creates a lifestyle that’ll never fulfill and that is why people are turning to tiny houses.

Ikea has joined this trend as well.

Pexels - Alexander Isreb Source: Pexels - Alexander Isreb

Ikea is a Swedish furniture manufacturing company well-known for producing low-cost ready-to-assemble furniture. They are now designing ready to assemble houses and they are absolutely beautiful.

It is small, lovely, and equipped with all of the necessary luxuries.

Josiah and Steph photography Source: Josiah and Steph photography

The Swedish giant rarely disappoints. Ikea joined hands with Vox Creative, American RV, and Escape to create this beautiful space.

Escape is responsible for most of the design and concepts. They have been doing this for the past 25 years and have done some incredible craftsmanship.

Ikea’s tiny house focuses on comfort and sustainability.

Josiah and Steph photography Source: Josiah and Steph photography

This project is a part of Ikea’s Tiny Home Project. The house Ikea has built has all the luxuries one needs but does not compromise on anything. It doesn’t even comprise the environmental cost. Many of the house’s designs are built with eco-friendly in mind.

“We feature many Ikea products in our various tiny home designs around the country, as they mirror the renewable, reusable, and recycled materials we incorporate into the actual structures,” Escape founder Dan Dobrowolski told Lonely Planet.

The house is a complete package and absolutely gorgeous.

Josiah and Steph photography Source: Josiah and Steph photography

This house was ambitious and it took 60 days to build the entire thing. Ikea’s senior interior design leader Abbey Stark also said about how much emphasis they put on building an eco-friendly house. She said:

“…wanted to source renewable, reusable, and recycled materials when possible to make the space functional as well as beautiful”

The result was worth the effort as the house has every possible feature. It has solar panels, composting toilets, a water supply, a kitchen, a beautiful living space, and plenty more. It is a fine choice for a tiny home!

Learn more in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Kristina Smallhorn, Lonely Planet.
