Mom warns others after infant has serious allergic reaction to commonly used sunscreen

There are often questions raised with some of the products that we use, especially those used on children. One of the products that is often on the chopping block is sunscreen. With it being a known factor for sea life death and coral reef degradation, how safe is it to be spraying on our faces? This mom may have an answer.

Rebecca Cannon used an aerosol sunscreen on her baby to horrible effect.

CBC Source: CBC

In Newfoundland, Canada, Rebecca, and her 14-month old, Kyla, decided to go visit Rebecca’s sister. As they arrived and decided to go out, Rebecca asked to borrow some sunscreen and proceeded to use it on her baby, having no idea what would happen next.

After using Kids Banana Boat SPF 50 on her baby face, things got bad.

CBC Source: CBC

A few hours later, Rebecca noticed that Kyla’s face was turning red. During an interview with CBC News of Canada, she said:

“As the day went on, she got a little redder and the next morning she woke up swollen, she was bright red, and there were blisters starting to pop up,”

Rushing Kyla to the emergency room the next morning, the diagnosis was shocking.

The doctors assessed the damage and shared that Kyla had 2nd-degree chemical burns across her face. The cause of the burns wasn’t from the sun, but the sunscreen!

This isn’t the first time that a story like this has happened.

Global News Source: Global News

Children have had reactions to sunscreen before and suffered harm. Personally, my sisters are highly allergic to Banana Boat sunscreen and break out in hives when used!

Addressing the issue of using kids sunscreen on a baby, Rebecca didn’t know the results would turn out like this.

“I know for her age, she should be wearing baby sunscreen, but we didn’t have any. I figured just putting it mildly on her face for some protection, rather than having none at all would be okay, and yeah, it didn’t go over so well.”

Banana Boat was contacted and is actively working to ensure product safety.

The company was contacted by the New York Post. Banana Boat commented:

“We are greatly concerned when any person encounters a reaction using our products. We have spoken with the consumer and asked for the product so that our quality assurance team can look into this further. Without examining the product, it is difficult to determine what may have caused the problem as described.”

For a situation like this, Rebecca is upset the product is being sold.

Today Source: Today

In an interview with CBS, she said:

“I would have never – in a million years – imagined her to a burn so severe from sunscreen,”

She is currently sharing her story to show others the potential danger of the product. She is quite upset that the product is still available for purchase and is potentially going to cause another child harm.

There are always alternatives.

Neutrogena Source: Neutrogena

Thankfully, there are some great products out there. There are two ways of blocking the UV rays from the sun, absorption and radiation, and physical protection. Using a zinc-based compound is often used as it doesn’t absorb any rays, only blocks them like a barrier.

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Source: Shareably, CBC, Today
