Internet falls in love with sweater-wearing kitten who survived unthinkable disaster

When, a few years ago, Hurricane Matthew caused a humanitarian crisis in Haiti and severely hit the southeastern US, there was such devastation spread around the country that any story with a happy ending could warm the hearts of the people witnessing the catastrophe.

Unsplash/ John Middelkoop Source: Unsplash/ John Middelkoop

One such story was that of a little kitten that somehow survived the hurricane and found shelter at a local pet shop.

Sarah, a cat owner who had gone to PetSmart to buy a tag for her cat Question, happened to be present during the cutest and fastest adoption ever.

While Sarah was looking for a tag, she also decided to take a look at the adoption area of the shop, to “torture herself”, as she put it.

Twitter: @crysomemore Source: Twitter: @crysomemore

That’s when a man with his two children entered the place. The children were looking at the animals and were super excited about the idea of getting a cat. However, the man didn’t look so sure or determined to return home with a cat in his arms.

At that point, the vet assistant asked if they were looking to adopt a kitten. She said that in case they were, there was one they might be interested in, and she asked them to wait until she fetched it.

While the woman was gone, Sarah and the father of two had the chance to chat about pets a little bit. The man told her that they had a family dog already, but they never had a cat so he was reluctant to get one because he wasn’t sure what the needs of a cat would be.

“He asked if they’re hard to take care of/ what kittens need/ etc [and] I answer his [questions] as best as I can,” she went on in her post.

The woman then came back with a teeny tiny kitten she explained had survived the hurricane. It was so small that it could fit in a sock. In fact, the staff had made a little sweater for the kitten using a tube sock. And the feline looked gorgeous in it!

The father and kids immediately fell in love with the kitten and the kids kept asking their dad to take it home. But the man knew he had to ask his wife first.

Unsplash/ NordWood Themes Source: Unsplash/ NordWood Themes

Sarah, who was curious about how this whole thing was going to end, and given she still hadn’t found a tag for her pet, just crept around until the mother came.

“[A] few minutes later wife had kitten protectively cradled against her and they were shopping for kitty supplies!”

The woman was at first concerned because, it being a “free” kitty”, it could easily end up in the wrong hands, but when she saw the enthusiasm with which the family of four bought all the cat supplies for the new family member, she knew Tube Sock Sweater Kitten was in the best hands!

Unsplash/ Ramiz Dedacovic Source: Unsplash/ Ramiz Dedacovic

What a heartwarming story! The tiny kitten was really lucky to survive a major catastrophe and find a loving home, but undoubtedly the family that adopted it were blessed to have an adorable addition to their family!

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Source: iheartcats, Twitter, Wikipedia
