Irish tap dancer gets unexpected guest appearance when little girl spots her moves

Dance is a type of performing art that is widely used in so many ways.

Dance has come a long way, thus resulting in it having so many styles over the years.

One of the oldest but slickest styles of dance is “Tap Dance.”

It is a style of dance that creates percussion-like sounds. It also does not require a lot of hand movements, it mainly revolves around footwork – because it’s responsible for the tapping sounds.

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Also, for this dance to be on-point, it requires a special type of shoe with a metal “tap” on the heel and toe. It’s hard to produce those funky tap sounds without the metal taps attached to the shoes.

Ireland is known as a festive country, their hospitality, scenic views, mouth-watering food, and love for sports are top-notch.

Of course, your trip will not be complete without witnessing their highly-skilled tap dancers.

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In Connemara, Co. Galway, in the West of Ireland, resides a renowned lady tap dancer.

Her name is Emma O’Sullivan, she’s one of the bests when it comes to dancing. She’s admired not only by the tourists but also by the locals who are honored to be her regular audience.

On her official website, she was described as:

“An All-Ireland Champion, she has toured the globe with many of the top names in traditional Irish music. She is an experienced workshop facilitator and has spent over 10 years sharing this beautiful tradition.”

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She’s proven herself more than enough in the world of dancing.

Aside from her video tutorials, tours, and shows around the world, Emma’s also a popular street performer. She’s making Galway streets livelier with her world-class performances.

Adding to her credentials are her viral videos which have been shared globally by over 20 million people. Just like this video from 2018.

Emma was doing her regular street performance when a cute Irish baby girl was caught on camera.

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She was already dancing before the video even started.

She suddenly came close to the man holding the video recorder and asked if he can see the baby while pointing to the crowd. The man said yes, then Emma went tapping in front of the little girl, flashing her moves.

She somehow looked like she was inviting the little cutie to join her.

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Emma continued to tap dance while the baby girl was closely watching her.

The toddler was around 3-years-old, wearing her cutie pink sweater and red pants.

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The baby girl was a potential contender. Unlike the other people present on that day, she had no plans on being just a mere audience member.

She had her eyes locked on Emma’s footwork as if memorizing every tap and stomp.

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Everyone else was adorably watching the little girl, the attention just got divided because of her tiny moves.

Pretty soon, she loosened up and started to do her own little version of tap dance.

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Pretty soon, Emma and the dancing Irish baby were in a cute dance-off.

The determined cutie flaunted her moves and the crowd was just as delighted as Emma.

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She was then joined by the baby in her street performance.

It was clear that she made a good tap dance partner. Her tiny delicate moves were so perfect.

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Emma, being a champion level dancer even recognized the kid’s potential and gave her a thumbs-up!

It’s almost safe to say that she somehow became an audience of her own show.

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Both Emma and the unexpected baby dancer were showered with rounds of applause after their performance.

The video is such a refresher and it only proves that any performance can potentially have an unexpected show-stopper!

This toddler definitely stole the show!

Watch Emma and the baby Irish dancer in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shareably, The West Awake,
