Woman pranks her German Shepherds by wearing a dog mask and their reaction has us howling

Jade and Jasper are two adorable sable German Shepherds with an enviable social media presence. They have well over a quarter of a million followers on Instagram and twice that on Facebook!

And we can see why.

Now, Jade built the empire on her own, for the most part, and then her owner got Jasper.

The elder GSD – who is 3 – has now been charged with helping the puppy turn into a very good doggo – and it looks like she’s doing a great job.

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The pups live with their mom in Ottawa, Canada, but their audience lives all around the world.

In a recent video, everyone got a good laugh at a prank that mom played on her dogs – and you know it’s a good one because in just 3 days it has accumulated over 160,000 views!

It all started with a German Shepherd mask.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Mom Karen is pretty brave to leave their reactions up to chance.

Our first glimpse is of Jade approaching – and she’s immediately concerned about this case of identity theft. That’s illegal, ya know!

She sheepishly mentions this before trotting off.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Then the video goes back 2 minutes before the criminal accusation was made – and we get to see how we got to this point.

As Karen sits and waits for the dogs to approach, they pull a double-pronged maneuver to sneak up on the interloper.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

And they waste no time in getting down to business and sniffing at the plastic mask like it’s their job.

To be fair, they can probably smell mom, but what the heck is that thing on her head?!

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Not content to just sniff, they must go in for a closer inspection.

There’s no “attack,” per se – these dogs are gentle – but there is some strong curiosity that involves teeth and tongues and pawing.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

As young Jasper makes a retreat, big sister Jade sticks around to try and unmask the phony GSD, Scooby-Doo-style.

But she can’t quite get the mask off.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Now she beats a hasty retreat as well.

No doubt they’re plotting the next sibling attack in the other room.

That’s when Jasper emerges – perhaps big sis sent him out to get his battle stripes.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

He barks, he struts, he sniffs – and he kind of knows it’s mom, but isn’t sure how to make her stop playing this terrible game.

What’s a dog to do?

Try to get attention, of course!

If it’s truly mom, she will give him a good snuggle – and she does.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Alas, it’s not good enough.

This silly human game is getting old and he implores her (while still executing some strategic barks) to end the charade.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Both dogs now leave mom to deal with the consequences of identity theft on her own.

They know crime doesn’t pay and that, as bystanders, they could get caught up in this.

The jig is up and Karen is forced to de-mask.

Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook Source: Screenshot via Jade the Sable GSD/Facebook

Jade and Jasper win the day!

They unmasked the faker and are now the only two undisputed German Shepherds in the house.

We just wonder what happened to that mask…

Be sure to scroll down below to see their antics and some bonus footage of the two cuties at the end.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Jade the Sable GSD via Facebook, @jadethesablegsd via Instagram
