78-year-old woman selflessly fostered over 80 infants in last 3 decades with no plans of stopping

Have you ever imagined being a mother to fifty children?

In this day and age, raising a child can already be more than a handful. But imagine raising fifty babies, one after the other? Impossible? How about eighty?

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A Hayward woman knew exactly what it felt like to raise that number of kids. And through all those years and babies, she has never complained nor shied away from the calling.

Linda Owens just took in her 81st baby last year.

The 78-year-old retiree started fostering newborn babies 34 years ago. The latest baby she took in her care was a 7-week-old baby. She took care of her right when she left the hospital.

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Owens takes care of the foster babies on her own. Sometimes, she’s asked to take care of two babies at the same time. And while it can be challenging, she knows that it was a task intended for her.

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“This is what God’s handed me a gift to do,” the retired grocery department manager told KPIX.

The babies come from different walks of life.

Sometimes, she takes care of newborns who are exposed to drugs in the womb. Others have developmental delays.

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Different babies have different needs but Owens treats them with love all the same. And while she gets paid for what she’s doing, she still considers taking care of these babies as a labor of love.

The organization responsible for child placement was grateful for the work she has done.

“Her experience, the care, the love she provides to the babies, it’s immeasurable,” said Buckner-Preston to the news outlet. She’s the Placement Division Director of the Alameda County Department of Children & Family Services.

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Owens job is known as a “resource parent”. These “parents” are trained and certified to temporarily take care of children. Of the 500 resource parents of the county, Owens is the longest-serving.

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“She’s in a category almost all by herself,” said Buckner-Preston.

Recently, Owens received recognition for her dedication.

She received the Jefferson Award and it coincided with her 81st foster. Through her work, she’s given these babies a new lease on life and the people or couples who can only dream to be parents.

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When the baby she fostered 12 years ago was adopted, Owens even shared tips and advice about the baby. Her foster babies still visit her to this day.

According to PEOPLE, as of September 2019, there are over 30,000 babies in foster care.

This number makes up a total of 7 percent of all children in the system. Through Owen’s efforts and the other resources parents around the country, these babies are getting the help they need.

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Owens also shared with CBS that she remembers all the babies she has fostered. The oldest child she fostered is now 37.

And while her babies come and go, she never failed to express her love for them as she said to CBS, “I can give her a kiss on the forehead and wish her the best, and say, ‘I love you.’

Watch how this grandma became a mother to 81 children.

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Source: YouTube – KPIX CBS SF Bay Area, PEOPLE, CBS
