Police pursue on a high-speed chase, K9 leaps through the window to let suspect know who’s boss

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

The criminals of Corona, California must all be terrified of Duke the amazing police dog. He is fantastic at stopping fugitives in their tracks.

Police dogs are incredible animals. Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friend, but police dogs like Duke go further than this. They keep us safe and are often braver than their human colleagues.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

Recently, some amazing footage proved Duke’s heroism beyond all doubt.

The events leading up to the video were pretty routine.

A criminal who was wanted for domestic violence charges decided to go on the run. He knew that he was facing severe prison time, so he thought he could evade justice.

Luckily, the police picked up his location and made chase. After many, many hours of driving from the cops, the criminal hit a stinger spike strip, causing the car to veer off the road and crash.

But the criminal was refusing to get out. He said that he would harm anyone who came near him.

But the police had a secret weapon: Duke.

Duke’s human partner, Officer Michael Neff, shot a bean bag round through the window of the car. The window shattered but mostly remained intact.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

But then, quick as anything, Duke ran up to the car and jumped up to the window, knocking the remaining glass inwards and tackling the fugitive.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

The criminal tried but couldn’t stop the dog from biting and biting at him. Soon, the police officers came in to give Duke backup. They pulled the criminal out of the car and tasered him. They then cuffed and arrested him.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

Amazingly, Duke was completely unscathed in this incident. Duke is smart enough to know how to jump through shattered glass without injuring himself. And the dog was just too fast to let the criminal cause him any harm.

The next day, Officer Neff, the dog’s partner, said that the dog was completely fine.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

“He went to bed earlier this morning happy and woke up very happy. Not a scratch on him.” – Officer Michael Neff.

The criminal was also taken to the hospital to get treated for his bite wounds, but his injuries were not threatening. He is currently in jail awaiting his trial.

And just when you think that Duke’s story can’t get any more heroic, it does.

As well as being an amazing police dog, he’s also a war veteran. Prior to joining the Corona Police Department, he served a tour of duty in Iraq with the marines. He was so good at his job that when it came time to return home, he remained in public service.

CBS Los Angeles Source: CBS Los Angeles

So whether it’s home or abroad, Duke has had a long history of protecting others. He is just five-years-old. Who knows how many more criminals he will apprehend before his retirement?

Clearly, Duke is a fearless animal who puts human protection before his own needs. But even Officer Neff was amazed at just how skillfully and swiftly Duke acted in this instance.

Dogs truly are the greatest of animals (humans included.) Duke deserves nothing less than his own movie, statue and parade. The only people who could do anything other than love him are the criminals that he sends to the hospital and then prison.

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Source: CBS Los Angeles
