Keanu Reeves has been silently donating to children's hospitals and cancer research

We all know Keanu Reeves. For all his fame and his entertaining films, this actor stands out for his charity work. He donates and helps others and has even been silently funding children’s hospitals.

The Matrix star was only 3 when his father left his family. And because of dyslexia, he struggled with reading. Then he had to deal with losing loved ones.

His best friend was only 23 when a drug overdose took his life. Reeves also lost his first child to a miscarriage. To make matters worse, the child’s mother died in a car accident.

Keanu also had to deal with his sister’s leukemia during the success of the Matrix in 1999. Kim Reeves survived her cancer.

And it’s those experiences that turned the actor into a better person.

In 2009, Reeves told the Ladies’ Home Journal that he was financing research programs and foundations for children’s hospitals battling cancer. He did this in dedication to his sister.

And he doesn’t like being in the spotlight for it.

Reeves also takes the time to personally attend projects for a cause.

A charity event called Stand Up to Cancer had a telethon in the year 2008 with Reeves reportedly taking calls from the public to boost funds.

Another charity called Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment had Keanu happily acting out as a pro-hockey player. His childhood dream.

And as a testament to the actor’s good heart, a Reddit user called bod2dd2 shared his personal account, saying:

“Back in the late 90s and fresh out of college I got my first job as an assistant prop designer on the set of Chain Reaction (Keanu was a supporting actor with Morgan Freeman). EVERY DAY for the last few weeks of filming, Keanu treated the stage hands and “grunt workers” (including myself) by taking us out for free breakfast and lunch. He was genuinely a very nice guy to work with.

“Since then, I’ve worked on about 30 different sets and have never met an actor as generous and friendly as him. Most actors I’ve seen and worked with are total douches who always think they are better than us. Keanu on the other hand, at the very least, was socially approachable and definitely kindhearted.”

“That was one example (that involved me directly), but (on the same set), I remember him going out of his way to give my friend a ride to the repair shop to pick up his car… I’ll write more as I remember, but its been a while.”

Another Reddit user, lovemyax, shared this story.

“A friend of mine told me that she was once stranded on the side of a highway outside LA when her jalopy broke down. She had no cell phone (that was before most people had cell phones) and no way to call for help. Then a nice black Porsche pulls over and as you can guess, it was Keanu. He tried to help her jump-start the car and when it didn’t work, he called AAA for her.”

“When they towed her car, he offered her to drive her home, which she accepted. He drove about 50 miles out of his destination just to drive her home. She told me she hoped he would hit on her but he didn’t, he was just a gentleman, dropped her at her house, gave her his phone number, and told her to call him if she needed further help.”

He’s a star on screen, but Reeves shines so much brighter thanks to his many selfless and generous deeds. We can only hope that more celebrities follow his example.

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Source: My Positive Outlooks, YouTube
