13-year-old who made bowties for shelter dogs now sews masks for healthcare workers

These days, we need as many heroes as we can get. Fortunately, the world is riddled with unsung heroes in the most unlikely of places with all sorts of skills. Sir Darius Brown has spent years crafting fabrics for the less fortunate. Recently, he’s branched out, lending a helping hand to health professionals.

He started his sewing career crafting bowties for sheltered dogs to help them get adopted. Now, he’s spread his talents elsewhere, crafting unique, well-woven face masks for health workers. And he hasn’t slowed down one bit with the extra work, continuing his animal shelter designs in the meantime.

Instagram/sirdariusbrown Source: Instagram/sirdariusbrown

It’s clear that Darius has a lot of empathy, genuinely wanting to benefit the world through sheer hard work and his big heart. Recently, Darius wrote a compassionate announcement on Facebook:

“I hope everyone is safe & healthy and staying home during this crisis we are facing. Today I am working on creating surgical masks to donate since the hospitals have a shortage of masks. Let’s all work together, help out where we can, and especially practice social distancing so we can all get through this pandemic. In the midst of this storm remember to smile and STAY PAW-SOME!!!!”

Instagram/sirdariusbrown Source: Instagram/sirdariusbrown

Through fabrics donated to his Beaux and Paws brainchild, Darius has been hard at work making beautiful, unique face masks for those that need them the most. He’s already sewed over 75 masks, which will be donated to hospitals in New York and New Jersey, a current viral hotspot.

He even has great taste in shirt-quotes. This one features some sterling advice – “Don’t wait to be great.” Darius certainly isn’t.

He can materialize practically any design, from colorful cloths to abstract patterns. Here’s some of his work:

Facebook/Beaux and Paws by Sir Darius Brown Source: Facebook/Beaux and Paws by Sir Darius Brown

Mr. Brown goes on to explain,

“I have several projects I’m working on for some shelters and rescue groups but I wanted to take some time and create masks for a hospital in need. Here are some masks that I’ve been working on. My goal is to get 50-100 made by this weekend so I can donate them next week. Thank you mom for all of your help.”

Here’s a rainbow-like assortment of some of his newer work:

Facebook/Beaux and Paws by Sir Darius Brown Source: Facebook/Beaux and Paws by Sir Darius Brown

His efforts certainly have not gone unrecognized. Him and his family have been interviewed by organizations such as The New Yorker and Today. Even former President of the United States, Barack Obama took notice, sending Darius an amazing gift. It’s something he’ll never forget.

Instagram/sirdariusbrown Source: Instagram/sirdariusbrown

Here he is with the loving women that raised him – mother Joy and sister Dazhai Brown-Shearz.

Instagram/sirdariusbrown Source: Instagram/sirdariusbrown

To get more of a feel for Darius’s personality, here’s what he had to say about them on Instagram:

I love you both so much for all you have done and sacrificed for me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for all you have done for me. I love you both to infinity and beyond and you can’t beat that!

He’s not exactly Batman, but that’s for the best – he’s better. He’s a real person helping real people every day. He doesn’t have a utility belt nor a Batmobile. But he does have skilled hands, a sewing machine, and a huge heart. Keep up the great work Darius. It’s deeply appreciated.

As the coronavirus continues to take its toll on humanity, the actions of Sir Darius Brown will be more and ore necessary.

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Source: Shared, beauxandpaws
