Kind dog forms an unlikely bond with a paralyzed kitten and is helping to teach him to walk
Shannon Basner is one of the founders of Mojo’s Hope, an organization devoted to rescuing animals with special needs. When she found out that another Alaskan animal rescue, Tundra Cat Rehabilitation and Adoption Center (TCRAC), was looking for someone to take care of a paralyzed cat, she was up for the task.
When she got there to see the cat in person, she was surprised at how small the kitty was. So, she took him in as a foster, caring for him and his medical issues- which were far from few.
First of all, his rear limbs were paralyzed. He was also prone to urinary tract infections, and when he had been taken to the vet, the doctor had said he probably wouldn’t make it. If, by chance, he did, his life would never be normal.
Shannon didn’t let the vet’s words disappoint her – she had faith in the little feline warrior. Indeed, the disabled cat was discharged from the hospital two days later, and his foster mom was immediately filled with hope.
“Thankfully, they underestimated his tough little warrior spirit and he came through very quickly with flying colors,” said Shannon. “This made me believe even more that he was a survivor and should not be judged by his disability.”
Although his medical issues are serious, Shannon is making sure she’s taking good care of him, following the vet’s instructions and feeding him a special diet. Then, last June she decided to adopt him and officially took him home for good.
In his new home, Harpurr, as he was eventually named, made new friends. He’s been sharing the place with two dogs and a 15-year-old cat, but his best friend is a special canine that goes by the name of Cinder.
Cinder and Harpurr have formed a special bond from the very beginning, and they can be seen snuggling and cuddling all the time.
“His relationship with Cinder is uniquely special,” said Shannon. “He absolutely adores her. They spend playtime together, they snuggle so much. She’ll groom him until he’s super clean, and he’s very very receptive to her doing that.”
Due to his rear limb paralysis, Harpurr has used a cart to move around since he was three months old. But Cinder has also helped Harpurr with mobility, encouraging and motivating him in her own way. Harpurr got used to his cart very quickly and he soon started zipping around the house.
It’s honestly a joy to watch.
Now Shannon is raising awareness about animal disability. She believes disabled animals can still achieve so much, needing only to be believed in and guided with love.
“What I wish is that people could step outside of themselves, stop anthropomorphizing, and see each beautiful and purrecious special needs cat for who they are as individuals, not as their disability,” explains Shannon.
Watch the adorable video below!
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