New trend has people kissing their dog on the head and recording their reaction

Dogs are adorable in more ways than one and in all angles.

They are perfect home pets and it’s rare to hear someone saying “I hate dogs”, wouldn’t you agree?

Pexels Source: Pexels

Although they are naturally charming, dogs can still be far more than just “good looks”.

When they start to interact with their humans, that’s when “cuteness overload” comes out.

These adorable pooches will show you that.

Just recently, a trend called “Kiss Your Dog On The Head” is melting people’s hearts.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

The trend is basically just a curious dog owner trying to record their dog’s reaction after they kiss them on the head out of nowhere.

As challenging as this trend has turned out, these dogs never failed to amuse millions of people over the World Wide Web.

Some pet owners got the results that they wanted and some even exceeded expectations.

Be ready because these fur babies will melt your heart in a beat.

Kiss me and I’ll kiss you back.

The owner of this tiny cutie unhesitatingly kissed his pooch which shocked the dog. At first, it looked a little confused, stared at the human, and then did the most beautiful thing in the world

Kissed its owner back.

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If that sweet gesture didn’t touch you then I don’t know what would.

A dog’s kryptonite.

Even the fiercest-looking dogs have no chance of winning against a human’s kiss.

Just take this one as an example. He looked serious at first but the dog was defenseless from the warm kiss.

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The dog eventually gave in

The sweetest pup ever!

This woman is one lucky pet owner! This dog just gave her the loveliest reaction ever!

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How about the innocence from that stare and the lean-in after?

Dogs are indeed one of the sweetest creatures alive.

A goodnight kiss.

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We all love kisses before we go to bed, don’t we? It’s either from our parents, special someone, or other loved ones.

Turns out, dogs love it too! Just look at that doggo, it went “night-night” as soon as mama human gave that goodnight kiss.

Give me another one hooman!

This dog hates not getting enough cuddle from its human. One kiss wasn’t enough so it pawed dad’s leg to get his attention.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

It’s like saying, “Hey dad! You’ve got to be kidding! Just one kiss?”

A fail one.

Not everyone gets the reaction that they’re expecting. Sometimes, a dog is just not in the mood or is having a bad day, not enough treats, perhaps?

“Smile of the day”

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That’s exactly what this pet owner got after giving her furry pooch a sweet kiss.

It’s a smile that could brighten anyone’s day.

We already know that dogs love human’s kisses, but what does a dog’s kiss do to humans?

According to the Independent, “Researchers at the University Arizona (UA) believe that the microbes contained in a dog’s gut could have a probiotic effect on the human body – encouraging the growth of positive microorganisms.”

Wow! Isn’t that great news? It’s a win-win situation for both dogs and their owners.

Check out the entire video below to see the rest of the dogs’ reactions to this new trend.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.


Source: YouTube, Independent
