Kitten with deformed paws survives on his own for 5 weeks, begs woman to save him

It seemed highly unlikely that anyone would save this little kitten who was different from all the others. But someone with a kind heart saw beyond his flaws.
Estimates of the number of stray cats in the USA vary from 35 million to 75 million. No one knows how many there are, but one thing is for sure: so many of these cats have unhappy existences.

In Elkhart, Indiana, a stray cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, only adding to the number of strays. But one of these kittens was different than the others. The kitten had paws that were deformed, making them permanently bent inwards.
The mother rejected this poor kitten. The litter was large, so she couldn’t care for them all. Just a few days after being born, he was left alone to fend for himself.

Amazingly, the kitten was able to survive for five weeks. He may have been disabled, but he could still scavenge for food. But eventually, his luck ran out, and he started getting weaker and weaker. One of the kitten’s eyes got infected, making it harder for him to locate food. It seemed like the kitten was done for, when something amazing happened.
Desperate for food, the kitten walked into a woman’s yard. He could smell food inside the woman’s house and started meowing, crying desperately for something to eat.
The woman heard the kitten’s sad little cries for help and decided to investigate. Her heart melted when she saw the tiny animal staring up at her.
She helped the kitten inside and fed him more than he had eaten in an entire week.

After the kitten was full, the woman realized that the animal was in a bad way and took him to a rescue group, Here Kitty Kitty Rescue.
The rescue group took the kitten in and named him Scooter. The vet at the group soon learned that on top of the eye infection, the kitten had a respiratory infection. Luckily, a round of antibiotics was good enough to clear these up.
Over the course of a few weeks, the kitten’s health improved significantly. And with this improving health came a playful personality.

Soon, Scooter went to a foster home, where he would live with some other kittens. Even though Scooter’s legs were deformed, he was more than capable of playing with these other kittens.
When the volunteers at Here Kitty Kitty Rescue saw how active and playful Scooter was, they realized that he should have no trouble finding a forever home.

In just a few more weeks, the organization connected Scooter with a couple who already had two cats. They were keen to take on a third one, and they really sympathized with Scooter’s story.
Scooter has since become incredibly comfortable in his new home. In fact, Here Kitty Kitty Rescue has said that even with his deformities, the kitten has become the ruler of the house and often tries to steal the other cats’ food!

The kitten may be a little domineering over his adoptive brothers, but luckily, he still shows them plenty of love. Almost every day, he cuddles up with them.
Scooter’s current situation is a world away from what he experienced when he was born. He’s gone from being the cat that was rejected by his own mother to being the center of a loving household!
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Source: Slideshow Of Animals