Kittens roam freely in this Canadian bookstore and customers can even adopt them

When you think of adopting kittens, you would want to go to an animal shelter. The bookstore is the last place you plan on visiting. But, this bookstore in Canada offers books and kittens for you to adopt.

Instagram/@thelazybookstagirl Source: Instagram/@thelazybookstagirl

Otis & Clementine’s Books and Coffee is a bookstore in Nova Scotia, Canada that took a creative approach to sell books and adopting kittens.

Instagram/@mackaranje Source: Instagram/@mackaranje

As you peruse the books on the shelves, you’ll encounter several cute furballs on the floor and the shelves. Do you know what they are? Kittens! Lots and lots of kittens.

They are playing around and napping among the books. You can even catch one reading Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat when no one’s looking. If you wish to grab a coffee while reading a book and petting a kitten, you can do so!

Instagram/@yourlifetransformation Source: Instagram/@yourlifetransformation

Kittens are one of the cutest and adorable pets you can have!

Instagram/@mimer_ru Source: Instagram/@mimer_ru

Cat, also called house cat or domestic cat, are the domesticated member of the family Felidae, order Carnivora, and the smallest member of that family. They are characterized by their long tails that aid in balance, supple low-slung bodies, molded heads, and specialized teeth and claws. Just like their wild relatives, cats are agile and powerful which aids in their hunting.

When kittens are born, they are normally the size of your hands.

Instagram/@marni.amirault Source: Instagram/@marni.amirault

They are very dependent on their mothers for food, water, and shelter. Hence, you need to properly take care of kittens such as giving them blankets, feeding them, and checking them for weight gain or loss. A one-week-old newborn kitten won’t be playing with its littermates just yet.

Eventually, the kittens will grow until they’re strong enough to do things on their own and play!

Instagram/@kim_humes Source: Instagram/@kim_humes

When you’re adopting a cat, it will highly depend on how you want it to interact with you. There are cats that need a lot of attention while others can do on their own. What’s important is you find a cat that fits you.

Do note that not all cats are not the same. The way a cat interacts with you will depend on their experience or lack of experience, and personality. The environment they will come home to will also be a factor in their personality.

Regardless, adopting a cat and giving it home is one of the sweetest and rewarding experiences.

Instagram/@forkmarykill Source: Instagram/@forkmarykill

That’s why Otis & Clementine’s Books and Coffee aims in providing a home for stray or abandoned cats. The bookstore owner Ellen Helmke told Narcity that the cats were provided by the South Paw Conservation Nova Scotia rescue group.

If you wish to adopt one kitten, you need to inform the South Paw Conservation and pay 255 Canadian dollars (or 194 US dollars) to adopt a kitten.

Instagram/@gillindf Source: Instagram/@gillindf

The adoption fee covers everything, including any medical expenses. You also need to provide references before adopting a kitten. Nevertheless, adopting kittens are very fast.

“All the kittens are in and out fairly quickly, as they are adopted,” Helmke explained.

Over 30 cats have been adopted from the bookstore and has 100% adoption rate

Instagram/@adventurebee84 Source: Instagram/@adventurebee84

“People come here specifically to see the cats, and then some people just wander in to look at books and discover there are kittens,” she told Global News. “Either way, the response has been really great—I mean, who doesn’t love kittens, right?”

Based on the South Paw Conservation Nova Scotia, they are happy with the friendship and partnership with the bookstore.

Instagram/@lindsaychiasson Source: Instagram/@lindsaychiasson

“Otis & Clementine’s Books and Coffee is one of many loving foster homes that provide an enriching environment for our kittens and cats. It’s amazing to have this unique platform to help home our kitties,” a representative of South Paw Conservation told Bored Panda.

If you’re ever in the area, don’t forget to drop by in this adorable bookstore and adopt one or two kittens!

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Source: Narcity, Global News, Bored Panda,
