Kitten's eyes finally opened and mama cat immediately goes into "mom mode"

If you’re a cat owner and have taken care of newborn ones, you’d know that they are born with eyes completely shut. Just like puppies, kittens are completely blind (and even deaf!) at birth.

For this reason, they’re initially 100% dependent on their mothers. Feline mom cats are extremely great at nursing—they nurse them, potty train them, and keep them safe and warm.

They remain blind until about one to two weeks old.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

It’s only by then that they start developing their vision and hearing capabilities. All kittens will initially have blue eyes and this will go on for several weeks before their true eye color shows up.

Usually, it takes about 8-10 weeks before kittens are fully weaned from their mothers, and some even take a lot longer than that. This time of complete dependence strengthens the mother-and-child bond for these cats.

Queens are highly protective and nourishing.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

A video posted on Youtube shows a cat mom’s affectionate love for her litter. The stars of the show were Mimi and her litter Coco.

Mimi is a British Shorthair cat while Coco is a male short-legged munchkin.

The video starts with Coco’s eyes looking like they just have opened.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

The adorable kitten, just like any cat in its early life, looked like he was still struggling to walk. Slowly but surely, he walked around in what seems to be a make-shift birthing box.

Coco stopped upon reaching one side of the box and his beautiful mother, Mimi, stepped in to check on him.

Coco immediately started producing affectionate sounds.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

It might just be the first time he laid his eyes on his mom. Mimi was quick to lick Coco’s head. If you aren’t familiar, this is called “grooming” in the feline world.

Mimi then laid down and caressed Coco even more, as if seeing that her litter has finally opened his eyes.

Coco slowly walked toward Mimi using his short legs.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

He continued to do so until he was all snuggled up in the comfort of his mother’s hug. Mimi also lovingly groomed her baby once in a while. It was just the sweetest thing to watch!

Then after a while, the cute little kitten positioned himself comfortably and fell asleep.

It’s easy to see how calm he felt now that his mom’s beside him.

Youtube - Lazy Kitten Source: Youtube - Lazy Kitten

The amazing queen just stayed beside Coco, as if ensuring him that she will just be there to keep him safe.

Just like humans, the development of young kittens highly depends on their mothers. Cats are very smart creatures but they first have to learn things out so they could develop the skills they need in life.

Kittens learn a lot of their skills through observation, and it’s usually their mothers they tend to keep a watch on. This is why the bond between a mother cat and her child is immeasurable, just like Mimi and Coco’s.

Watch the video below to witness Mimi see Coco finally open his eyes.

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Source: Youtube
