Man gets sweet revenge on tenants who destroyed his house

The old idiom “treat it like a rental” applies to this story! Whether you have owned a rental property before or not, we all understand the risk of letting someone stay in a home that you own. Even if they are paying for their time there, you expect certain standards of decency to apply to people.

These tenants learned a valuable lesson after leavers landlord property destroyed.

Bored Daddy Source: Bored Daddy

There are always a few things that you want to make sure of when you are renting out properties. You need to do a criminal background check, check their past rental history, and finally, always get a deposit. You just can never be too safe!

Even after all these steps, you can still get burned.

Thomas Rayaux had an issue with timely rent and the after-effects of the tenants moving out. The home that Thomas owned was a quality place that he kept pretty clean and in shape.

After fourteen months of no rent, Thomas decided to pay them a visit.

Bored Daddy Source: Bored Daddy

When he finally got to the home where the tenants were staying, he was incredulous. It was absolutely wrecked. He had never seen an environment look like his home did.

Thomas struggled even to get the door open.

The entire floor was covered in trash, preventing you from walking anywhere. It was so bad you couldn’t see the floor! As he maneuvered around, he had to watch where he stepped because he had no idea what was under all the garbage.

Food and old trash was everywhere.

Pexels Source: Pexels

The entire house stank and there were mounds of trash in every room. He couldn’t believe his eyes – or his nose! Leaving old food around the house can attract bugs and animals, who knows how long things had been sitting out for?

The backyard wasn’t any better.

There was a massive pile of trash and debris that the tenants had thrown into the yard. His home was unrecognizable.

Making a call to his attorney, Thomas had a plan.

After checking to make sure that he didn’t break any laws, Thomas decided that he was going to get back at the people who destroyed his home.

Hiring a dump truck company, the plan was beginning to come together.

Pexels Source: Pexels

Still nervous about legal repercussions, Thomas checked with the police to make sure he wasn’t going to be getting into trouble. After getting the location for the new home of the tenants, he decided to visit them.

Loading every piece of garbage that the tenants left behind, Thomas drove the dump truck to their new residence.

Bored Daddy Source: Bored Daddy

Pulling into their driveway, the dump truck began to tilt its load back – and dumped the entire thing right on their front lawn. You can imagine the disbelief on their faces when they got some of their own medicine!

What did he do wrong?

Thomas was well within the law. He was simply returning all of their junk to them – all at the same time. Now it’s their turn to deal with the trash!

Check out the ACTUAL video below!

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Source: Bored Daddy, Shareably
