Police called after adorable giant dog refuses to leave dollar store

Some stores are so fun to shop in that it’s hard to leave. Maybe it’s the shoe store to some or the toy store to others. It truly can be hard to leave when you feel like a kid at a candy store.

This dog seems to be having that same problem.

Weighing over 100 pounds, this massive pooch has been wandering the aisles at this store the whole night.

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Either he’s having fun roaming the place, or he’s really indecisive with which snacks to pick up.

It’s not strange to spend extra time browsing for snacks. Ever fancied a late-night visit to 711 for some M&Ms, Snickers, potato chips, and cookies?

But this dog doesn’t seem to be here to browse.

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After spending a ton of time just patrolling the aisles, the store owners began to wonder if he should be escorted out. He’s a good boy, don’t get us wrong. But you can’t just hang out here and not buy anything, especially during closing hours.

However, getting a 135-pound dog to leave is easier said than done.

So the store asked for help from the Bradenton police. Police work with dogs all the time, so surely this shouldn’t take long, right?

The officers showed up to try and secure the dog, whose name turned out to be Bentley.

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As the clerk explained, she didn’t want to just leave the dog out on the streets either. Bentley was clearly friendly, leading the staff to suspect that he was a house dog.

And they definitely didn’t want to leave a potential house pet out on the streets.

The officers agreed with the house dog assessment. But now the question is: what house is he from?

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One officer tries to tie a restraint around Bentley, but none of the ties they brought are quite large enough.

Bentley’s big size made a rather big problem. You can’t lead a large dog without a large lead.

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As awkward as it was, the staff and officers were beginning to grow fond of Bentley.

Probably thanks to his innocent and friendly demeanor, in spite of his size.

After all, he wouldn’t have stayed here if he didn’t like the place so much. He can’t help it if he enjoys hanging out with the staff.

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Finally, they found a leash big enough for Bentley.

Given how funny the events here were, the officers just couldn’t help it. They took selfies with the dog for Instagram. The store clerks also took a group photo to remember the moment.

It was a fun night here with you, Bentley. But all good things come to an end.

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Bentley’s owners came to pick up their adventurous dog. Thanks to a microchip in Bentley, contacting his family wasn’t too hard.

“He was shopping!” the officers inform the dog’s owners. That he was. I guess he just took too long to decide what to get.

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Maybe he can come back with his family and actually get something next time. Who knows?

Watch the full video about Bentley’s trip to the store down below. Kindly share this article with people too!

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Source: Inside Edition on YouTube
