Research suggests left-handed people are more special than we thought

Left-handed people only represent about 10 percent of the world’s population. Even though their number is just small, people can’t stop being fascinated by them.

A lot of studies have been conducted to understand what makes lefties special.

Unsplash-Kelly Sikkema Source: Unsplash-Kelly Sikkema

One of the most controversial studies was published in the Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. The study involved 150 subjects.

The study showed that the left-handed participants showed better performance than right-handed people when it came to an intelligence test. The study also showed that the right-handed participants took a longer time completing the said test.

In a separate study published in 2019, researchers found out the genetic differences between the two groups.

After examining the data of 400,000 people, they discovered something. In left-handed people, the brain’s left and right hemispheres were better connected. This suggests that the group may have superior verbal skills.

Left-handed people are also more creative.

Pexels-Anthony Shrakaba Source: Pexels-Anthony Shrakaba

This was what researchers found out after conducting a study involving 2,000 people. The participants included right-handed, left-handed, and ambidextrous people. Published in the Americal Journal of Psychology, the study revealed that lefties tend to be more engaged in sports, music, and arts.

They also surprise opponents in sports.

Unsplash-Logan Weaver Source: Unsplash-Logan Weaver

Usually, when left-handed people prepare for a competition, they are likely to train against righ-handed opponents. Meanwhile, right-handed people don’t usually compete with lefties. When they come face-to-face with one, they’re usually not prepared.

They are highly adaptable.


Source: Unsplash-Kaleidico

Because lefties aren’t that common, most machines and instruments have been built for right-handed people. This requires lefties to learn to find a way to use them safely and properly.

Why are there lefties?

Unsplash-Kelly Sikkema Source: Unsplash-Kelly Sikkema

There’s no definitive answer to this. However, there’s a theory suggesting that the trait could be inherited from the maternal side of the family. Another theory suggests that it’s caused by high levels of testosterone in the womb.

Here’s what’s more interesting about left-handed people…

Unsplash-Juliane Liebermann Source: Unsplash-Juliane Liebermann

Research found that twins are twice likely to be lefties. What’s even more interesting is that doctors can actually say if a baby is going to be one just by using an ultrasound.

Around 90% of babies tend to suck on their right thumb or move their right arm while inside the womb. For babies that use their other thumb or arm, it’s pretty easy to say that they have a good chance of becoming lefties.

Left-handers are great problem-solvers.

Pexels-Yan Krukov Source: Pexels-Yan Krukov

They are good at coming up with solutions that are out-of-the-box. They tend to use this trait in careers that are related to technology, science, and art.

Some of the most popular lefties include Pablo Picasso, Bob Dylan, Marie Curie, and Paul McCartney. Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, and Julia Robers are famous left-handers, too.

Is it possible to train yourself to be left-handed?

Pexels-Mikhail Nilov Source: Pexels-Mikhail Nilov

The short answer is yes. However, it’s not an easy task. It may take a while for you to make the switch. However, with practice and motivation, it’s highly possible. You just need to be committed to using your left hand every day.

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Source: Psychology Today, Washington Post
