Little boy looks at grandma sincerely and asks “I’m poor ain’t I?”

Jake Boone’s wisdom extends far beyond his years.

Granted, that is mainly because he has had many years yet. The little kid has been sharing some pretty solid life advice with others through his YouTube channel, however.

Jake’s family began filming him as he goes throughout life and this has allowed him to share all the knowledge he picks up along the way.

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His Kentuckian accent doesn’t hurt his cuteness.

Part of Jake’s appeal might be his little Kentuckian accent that comes out during his videos. It just makes him sound like the perfect southern gentleman!

Jake lives in Sunfish, Kentucky, an unincorporated town in Edmonson County, Kentucky. It’s a small town with a population hovering around 1000 people. One of those 1000 people is Jake’s grandmother or “grammy” as he calls her.

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Jake and his grandparents.

Jake’s grammy plays a pivotal role in his videos. She is generally the one asking him important questions from behind the camera as Jake shares his wisdom. Grammy has clearly noticed that her grandson has something special to share with the world.

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Jake wins 1st place on America’s Funniest Home Videos.

When Jake was only 3-years-old his family sent a video of him “helping” his mother make a grocery list. Jake earned his family a $10,000 prize.

Jake, wanting to be useful to his family, offered to write down every item his mother would need to get from the grocery store. The issue here was, of course, that little Jake could not yet write.

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After his success on America’s Funniest Home Videos, Jake’s family decided that maybe his cuteness was something that could be put on YouTube.

YouTube - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube - Life According to Jake Boone

Life according to Jake Boone is born.

Jake now has over 50,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel. People just can’t seem to get enough of watching him go about his daily life on a farm in Kentucky. There is just something about Jake that when he has something to say, people want to listen.

Jake’s mother explained her son’s popularity while speaking with local media, WBKO.

“He’s like a old person in a little person’s body. He says some of the funniest things. And he’s really a sweet kid. He has a good heart.”

Jake evaluates his financial status.

Jake is a curious little guy. That’s likely why his videos are so popular. One day Jake was sitting with his grammy and evidently became curious about whether or not he was poor.

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Jake’s concept of “poor” is a little interesting, however. He noted during the conversation with grammy that he has a flatback truck and a trailer to use on his family’s farm. That is true. Jake pitches in on the farm so much that he really does have his own little truck with a little trailer attached to it. His “pappy” has two trailers for use on the farm, however. Pappy has two trailers but Jake only has one, so therefore, the little guy concluded, he must be poor.

“He looks straight at grammy and says, “I’m poor, ain’t I?”

YouTube - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube - Life According to Jake Boone

Jake wonders if he is poor.

So Jake has decided that since his tally of trailers is only half of what his pappy has that he must be poor. The “Keeping up with the Jones” trend really has hit him early in life.

We’d love to tell Jake that comparing what you have with what others do is the most difficult path to happiness but he might be a bit young for that.

“Jake wondering if he could possibly be poor?! No way! He’s rich in love that’s most important!” Jake’s grammy described the video as.

Jake’s grammy is right, he is very rich in love and that is the most important thing.

Watch little Jake ask his grammy if he’s poor in the below video.

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Source: Life According to Jake Boone/ABC WKBO
