Little boy misses deployed military dad – so he goes to neighbor's house with sweetest request

As kids, we build bonds with our parents that are very important to our childhood and development. So what do you do if your parent isn’t around for the time being? If you’re this little man, you go to your neighbor and ask them if you can help them instead. He loves doing yard work with his father, so when his dad gets deployed overseas in the military, he goes to the neighbors to see if he can do their yardwork.

This is the most adorable thing ever!

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His father that he usually does yard work with is on deployment in the military, so this kid goes to his neighbors to fill the void

Brian and his Dad/YouTube Screenshot Source: Brian and his Dad/YouTube Screenshot

Back in 2017, Brian Kelly was just a 5-year-old boy who loved doing yard work with his dad, but due to his military service that just wasn’t possible at the moment. So the sweet kid goes to his neighbors to see if he can help them and they gladly oblige.

Twitter Source: Twitter

Not only did he go over there every day to help, his kind-hearted neighbors even do fun activities with Brian that make the days without his father go by much quicker.

The Cravens, we’re very surprised when their young neighbor showed up one day asking if he could help

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Not only was it helping Brian with the separation from his dad, Dan, but it was also helping Dan as we’re sure he wanted nothing more than to be there with his son.

Twitter Source: Twitter

When father of the Cravens family, Dean, wasn’t showing Brian how to do yard work, they were also doing stuff that’s great fun for the both of them.

Dean and Brian didn’t just do yard work, the precious pair even played golf and basketball together

Twitter Source: Twitter

When they’re done breaking a sweat on the yard work, you can catch the unlikely friends practicing some golf together or shooting some hoops. Being that Dean has three daughters and no sons, it’s also nice for him to share the experience of mentoring a boy for a change.

Dean’s daughter, Molly Cravens, heart melted when little Brian started coming over and she knew she had to share the beautiful moment with people on social media.

Molly uploaded some pictures of Brian and Dean and the internet went crazy for the bonding boys


She had no clue the pictures she added to her Twitter account would blow up the way they have, she just knew they were too cute not to share.

Since posting about the relationship Dean and Brian have formed, they’ve spread like wildfire across Twitter. Thousands of people have retweeted Molly’s post, along with over 20k that have liked it and many who’ve left comments.

Twitter Screenshot Source: Twitter Screenshot

“My eyes are sweating,” said one Twitter user.

Twitter Screenshot Source: Twitter Screenshot

“I’m not crying, it’s just been raining…on my face,” wrote another.

The story was picked up by some of the biggest media outlets, like CBS and ABC News

Brian became somewhat of a little celebrity for his need to connect with his father and his friendship he built with Dean Cravens.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

What a touching story, Dean stepped up to help Brian during the time he needed a fatherly connection, and for that, the two deserve to be seen. To see more on this, watch the video below!

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Source: Shareably, CBS, ABC, YouTube
