Toddler provides adorable back up singing to big sister's performance

In a world where nearly all organized gatherings have been effectively canceled, our taste for live entertainment has been forced to evolve.

Performers around the world have transformed their living spaces into stages and broadcast their performances across the internet. This phenomenon includes celebrities like John Legend, Keith Urban, and Trevor Noah.

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But it’s not only superstars who are using this platform to share themselves with the world.

Everyday people have also invited the internet into their homes to share the gift of music. One young lady from Texas has been brightening up people’s days by sharing her incredible vocal talent on social media.

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Kelsey Lane Winslow has been posting videos of her daughter Cirsten singing on Facebook.

One video has since entertained over 655,000 people!

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Cirsten’s viral performance takes place in front of the family fireplace, but there is something special about the way this show begins. Her adorable little brother is accompanying her!

This marvelous rendition of “I’ll Fly Away” would be incomplete without the adorable backup musician.

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This video was part of an online singing challenge.

Now that we are all stuck at home under self-quarantine, it is the perfect time to give internet challenges a shot. Kelsey decided to help her daughter complete once such mission, which involved her singing and posting one song per day.

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Kelsey says the idea actually came from her own mom. When posting the first video of Cirsten (who also goes by CJ):

“My mom had asked on Facebook whether or not CJ should sing one song a day. The response was amazing so here y’all go”

Facebook Source: Facebook

So, each day Cirsten shared a singing video on Facebook.

She first covered pieces like “Dancing in the Sky,” “Rise Up,” and “Cups.” Then on Day 5, she collaborated with a little partner.

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Cirsten and her little brother are a heart-stopping duo.

In the video, both are dressed in Western clothing as the music to “I’ll Fly Away” plays in the background. Cirsten leads the song with her confident voice, while the little guy does his very best to keep up.

It’s as adorable as it is impressive!

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The original song is a country tune played on a banjo.

“I’ll Fly Away” is a well-known anthem that was created by Albert E. Brumley in 1929. Since then, country artists like Johnny Cash, Alan Jackson, and Joey & Rory all sang it. Even rapper Kanye West has created his own version of this song!

Cirsten’s style works perfectly with the tune.

Her natural talent shines when she really unleashes her voice, and it’s easy to tell that she enjoying herself by the way she sways and pats her leg.

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Meanwhile, the tiny cowboy strives to keep up with his big sis.

The way younger siblings look up to their bigger brother or sister is something to behold. It’s precious to watch the boy mirror his sister, but then he grabs her hand and she gives him a loving smile that makes it that much cuter.

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She then takes his other hand in hers and they have a dance!

Kelsey was surely one proud mama watching this performance. In fact, after the video went viral, she wrote on Facebook:

“My heart is so full right now. We had no expectations for this video to reach so many. It is such a heartfelt moment seeing two of my kids have fun singing together.”

Of course, all great shows end with a grand finale.

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As the video ends, Cirsten’s brother reaches for his guitar and sits on the fireplace to play. We only get to witness a few adorable strums, but we can hope to see him return in a future video!

You can watch this fantastic sibling duet below. Nice work guys!

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Source: See It Live, Facebook
