Adorable baby elephant throws tantrum and mom handles it brilliantly
Kids are adorable. They are curious, innocent, and they fill us with joy. However, any mom knows that a tantrum is always lurking right around the corner. All it takes is one shift in the wind for a dramatic outbreak to ensue. At some point in the day the errands begin to become boring. And hello meltdown! It’s only a matter of time.
Curiously, human and animal babies alike share this quality. And we have video evidence to prove it!
In the YouTube video, which now has over 18 million views, a baby elephant shamelessly takes his turn at ‘having a moment’.
At some point in the elephant family’s trek their adorable baby decides that he simply cannot continue anymore. And he takes a seat. No more walking for this guy!
The video features the baby elephant crossing a dirt road into some tall grass. He stops for a moment before plopping down to scratch an itch.
Innocent enough, right? No sooner does the calve’s mother come into view as she takes her turn crossing the road. But instead of giving him the attention he’s seeking, she continues to calmly stride right past him, leaving him in the grass.
And what happens next is priceless.
Just as the mother walks past the attention-seeking calf he rolls over in a fit of dramatic despair.
Classic parenting moves, mom! Nothing to see here, just move along. And there the baby stays, rolling around in the middle of the road. It’s too cute for words.
The young calf’s frustration and emotions are common and mirror human emotions exceptionally well. In fact, they are experiencing the same thing.
According to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust:
“Elephants share with us humans many traits – the same span of life, (three score years and ten, all being well) and they develop at a parallel pace so that at any given age a baby elephant duplicates its human counterpart, reaching adulthood at the age of twenty. Elephants also display many of the attributes of humans as well as some of the failings. They share with us a strong sense of family and death and they feel many of the same emotions. Each one is, of course, like us, a unique individual with its own unique personality. They can be happy or sad, volatile or placid. They display envy, jealousy, throw tantrums and are fiercely competitive, and they can develop hang-ups which are reflected in behaviour.”
It isn’t before long that a second adult elephant comes to cross the road. She, too, decides not to take notice of the very obvious meltdown occurring in the exact middle of the road.
The baby spends another few moments flailing about before realizing that his family is well on their way.
At this point, he decides enough is enough and gets up to rejoin the group. Truly adorable.
Check out this totally defiant but lovable tantrum for yourself in the video below!
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Sources: Animal Channel, One Green Planet, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust