Adorable little girl announces that she is not talking to Mimi anymore

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
If there’s one thing toddler’s love, it’s tantruming. This little girl’s tantrum might just be the funniest of them all.
When toddlers think that something is wrong, they really get convinced that that something is wrong! Josie is no different.

One day, she heard her mom tell her dad off for saying a bad word. Josie asked what the bad word was. The mom wouldn’t repeat it. But the girl learned that you tell others off for saying bad words.
Soon, Josie was telling anyone and everyone off if they said anything even remotely close to what she considered to be a bad word.

Then one day, her parents dropped her off at grandma’s house.
Everything was going well until her grandma said one of the worst words that Josie knew.

Josie went crazy over her grandma’s improper language. She started stomping around the house. Then she said that she wouldn’t talk to her grandma anymore.
The tantrum was making the grandma and her friends laugh. “Fine, then I won’t talk to you,” responded Josie’s grandma.

Then Josie announced that she was really upset. Grandma’s friend wanted to gauge Josie’s level of upset. She asked if she could talk to Josie. Josie said yes. It was just grandma that no longer had speaking privileges.
Then grandma’s friend attempted to understand the whole situation. She asked why the little girl was upset with her grandma.

“Because she’s saying bad words to me,” Josie responded.
Grandma’s friend wanted to discover more. She asked Josie exactly what grandma said.
“She said a bad word to me, because, because, because she said ‘poop,'” clarified the little girl. Of course, grandma could have said some much worse words. But Josie had no way of knowing that.
Josie could see her grandma laughing at the little girl. So she glared at her and shouted, “It’s not funny, mimi. I told you.”

Somehow, the grandma kept on laughing at this. So Josie had to pull out the nuclear option. She then announced: “When my mommy and my daddy pick me up, I’m gonna tell them.” Josie wished that it hadn’t had to come to that. But it had.
Even though Josie had made the ultimate threat, grandma kept on laughing. So Josie continued to rant.
Luckily, one of the grandma’s friends was filming the entire tantrum. When Josie’s dad, Eric, saw it, he realized that he had to upload it to YouTube. He was shocked when it went viral. To date, the video has gained almost 10 million views. It also has more than 8,500 likes.
But this wouldn’t be Josie’s last viral hit.
A little later, Eric uploaded a video of Josie announcing to her family that she had a boyfriend.
This news, and the family’s reaction, has managed to gain over 3.1 million views to date.
But even before the tantrum video, Josie had already become a viral sensation on YouTube.
Almost a year before the tantrum video, a video of Josie singing Old McDonald Had A Farm became a hit online, gaining over 12 million views to date.
Josie can never fail to entertain her family, and seemingly, the entire internet.
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Source: Eric Palonen