Little girl waits for garbage man every week and dad follows her to see why

No profession is too small as they are someone’s hero like everybody else.

The then-3-year-old Brooklyn Andracke anxiously waited on their lawn for a truck to come by. And no, she’s not waiting for the mailman or for the ice cream truck.

Then, as the truck in question pulls up on their side of the neighborhood, the little girl would wave at her favorite person in the world. Next to her parents, of course!

Thursday is Brooklyn’s favorite day because it’s trash day.

Sanitation worker Delvar Dopson never misses that day all his life. While some people look down on this highly essential profession, Brooklyn takes a moment of her week to make Dopson feel how much his work is appreciated.

The friendship started when Brooklyn was 2 years old. She would always wave at the garbage truck whenever it passes by.

Instead of just driving by, however, Dopson makes sure that Brooklyn feels that she’s seen. He would honk back at the family and wave back.

Since then, Brooklyn looked forward to Thursdays.

It came to a point that Brooklyn asks her parents if it was garbage day yet even if they were just starting their Monday.

The family thought of making cookies just to tell Dopson how much their daughter appreciates him. The plan came to being one Thursday.

That day was also Brooklyn’s birthday.

So instead of cookies, Brooklyn and her mom wrapped up a cupcake from her birthday. Traci, Brooklyn’s mom, thought that it was the perfect day to have the man and her daughter get introduced.

“It was the first time they met, and my daughter is usually so bubbly and outgoing and has a lot to say,” said Traci to NBC Chicago. “But as soon as he got out of his truck, she just looked at him like he was just this amazing person. She was completely speechless.”

At that moment, Dopson also explained that she wasn’t the only one who looked forward to Thursdays.

Dopson said he gets out of his meeting on Thursdays so he can say hello to the family.

He also explained that he doesn’t have kids of his own but mentors several children. When Traci dropped Brooklyn at the daycare, the little girl said “Mommy, I’m so happy.”

To show his appreciation to the Andrackes, Dopson visited the family the following Thursday. But this time, he was the one who surprised Brooklyn.

He walked Brooklyn to the other side of the truck where lots of Frozen toys awaited the little girl.

Their friendship only grew from there.

Dopson dropped by whenever he can. On one of Brooklyn’s birthdays that fell on a Thursday, he brought the family some cupcakes that time.

Their relationship only goes to show how much influence we can have over a person’s life if our intentions are kind and sincere. For Brooklyn, Dopson is not only the person who carries the trash. For her, Dopson is a friend that always spares her a moment just to say hello.

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Source: YouTube – Did You Know, Facebook – City of Bloomington, Illinois, Facebook – Traci Raymond Andracke, USA Today, NBC Chicago
