Lonely dog melts hearts getting new kitten friend

Having a pet is truly awesome! We get to have someone to love us, someone we can spend time with, and someone who will make our lives better.

They are always there when we need them, but did you ever think about what they feel when we leave them alone for hours?

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We all have our own responsibilities; some of us go to school, some of us go to work, and some of us have kids to take care of as well. Sometimes, no matter how much our pets love us, no matter how they are patient in waiting for us to come home, they too can feel loneliness.

No one wants to feel lonely, even our pets, and the reality is- as much as we want to spend our whole day cuddling, it’s not possible.

That’s why our pets also need friends, and this is exactly what this pet owner thought of.

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One dog owner realized that her beloved Golden Retriever seemed to be really lonely. She realized that her dog needed a friend as well, that’s why she came up with a sweet surprise.

She recorded the day when she introduced her Golden Retriever to his new friend – a kitten.

Most people would probably get another dog, but not this fur-parent! She knew that her Golden Retriever would accept a kitten wholeheartedly, and that’s exactly what she got.

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According to Dogtime:

“Like every dog, the Golden needs early socialization — exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences — when they’re young. Socialization helps ensure that your Golden puppy grows up to be a well-rounded dog.“

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This lucky Golden wasn’t expecting such a sweet and fluffy surprise!

Up until now, some people would still argue that dogs and cats can’t and will never be friends, but here’s one of the many proofs that they can be best of friends.

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The video starts as the owner asks the Golden to enter the room, where he immediately goes to see that round, fluffy, and cute thing that was poking its head from the box.

He calmly approaches the cute kitten and sniffs. However, the kitten backed out a little and hissed at the big dog in front of her.

She’s a little feisty for her small size.

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Still, this sweet Golden Retriever wags his tail, showing that he’s happy to be able to meet a new friend.

No wonder this video became viral and has more than 5M views!

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The video was actually shared by Viral Paws, but the owner of the video originally shared it through Kuaishou, a Chinese social media platform for sharing videos.

The 2-minute video shows numerous clips of how their friendship blossomed, and people all over the world loved it.

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Like any type of friendship, it requires time and effort. At first, the kitten may seem a little bit uninterested with her big brother, but the next clip shows how their relationship changed.

We see the next clip showing the little kitten playing beside her big brother, she may be small, but she knows she is safe and well-taken cared for by her gentle doggo brother.

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They’ve become inseparable!

The owner is then seen playing with the kitten, slightly poking her with her fingers. Big bro Golden didn’t seem to approve, and gently pushes his owner’s hand away from his tiny friend.

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How sweet is that?

The other clip shows how much fun they’re having when they are playing. A little wrestle over here, some play bites over there; they are just too adorable to watch!

They even like to eat their meals together.

Kuaishou Source: Kuaishou

It has been a year since the video was taken, and the little kitten grew up to be a sweet cat. She is still very much close with her Golden Retriever brother, and still continues to play, eat, and bond with him.

Their short video just proves that dogs and cats can be the best of friends.

Watch their adorable bond grow stronger than ever in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Viral Paws, DogTime, Kuaishou
