Jitterbug champs wow the crowd when they’re joined by a third dance partner

Gary and Charlotte Chaney are swing dancers who have been partners for decades. Their exhibition dance uploaded to YouTube in 2010 is still being enjoyed by viewers a decade later – in fact, it’s been viewed over 15 MILLION times!

The duo dance the jitterbug to a cover of Janis Joplin’s “Me and Bobby McGee,” by Rhonda McDaniel just to show other dancers how it’s done – and the McDaniel version is a lot more hoppin’!

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

But their talent isn’t the only thing that has people tuning into the video.

Midway through, a third dancer, Debbie Wheelis, struts out – and Gary manages to hold his own while he plays partner to both ladies!

Before Wheelis comes out, the Chaneys execute quite some sophisticated choreography. As swing dancers, the jitterbug is just part of their repertoire, but they also take part in East and West Coast swing. And boy can these two boogie!

They emerge onto the dance floor at Chicago’s Windy City Jitterbug Club both dressed in black pants and sequined tops, just to add some sparkle.

The amount of spinning Charlotte accomplishes makes us positively dizzy – in fact much of the first part of the routine sees her in 360 motion.

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

For his part, Gary is the perfect partner to show off Charlotte’s skills – and he’s even got some dips and other strength moves of his own.

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

And don’t be surprised that he’s still got some flexibility as well!

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

The great thing about swing dance is there’s no “aging out” of it and no stereotypical “dancer’s body.” Anyone can participate with some practice and enthusiasm.

Not only is the couple grinning but the audience and judges are as well. It appears the duo is not competing but simply performing for the rest of the competitors (at least with this routine). And they have a very appreciative audience.

It’s at about 1:37 into the video that we get a glimpse of something strange. A Charlotte look-alike is in the audience!

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

As she stands up, all eyes are on her as she walks to the floor with a fair bit of drama. She’s even got the same shirt as Charlotte.

At first, we thought this was going to turn into a nasty love triangle, but the trio is all smiles as they begin to dance together!

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

And good old Gary can even spin both of his partners at the same time without a problem. That’s some choreography we might never have come up with.

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

It’s still a dance for a pair, but Debbie Wheelis is anything but a third wheel.

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

The audience cheers them on big time when they all manage to execute some turns in unison without running into each other.

It appears that Gary’s got what it takes to bring two ladies to the ball.

Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Dance and Entertainment/YouTube

These three must get along outstandingly if they can pull off a routine that makes them all look good.

We’ve got to hand it to whoever came up with this idea – it could have been awkward, but it ended up being an outstanding performance. And commenters agreed:

“Wow, what a show. I can imagine how many hours of practice it took for this. I am amazed at the moves they make. Thanks for sharing,” said one appreciative viewer.

Be sure to scroll down below to see this trio swing!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Dance and Entertainment via YouTube, Southside Imperial Dance Club
