Internet falls in love with “World’s Most Loyal Dog,” captured pushing owner’s wheelchair

Not only can dogs help us emotionally, they can also help us physically. Whether it’s providing emotional support, helping to monitor a medical condition, or simply giving a push when needed, dogs have proven themselves invaluable time and time again. One dog, in particular, has touched the hearts of people across the Internet after he was captured helping his owner on video.

Magnus helps out

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

Living in the central Kazakhstani city of Taraz, 11-month-old Magnus helps his wheelchair-bound owner, 70-year-old Anatoly Derbenev, with his daily tasks. Even though Magnus’ owner is elderly and confined to a wheelchair, the geriatric still likes to do things himself, Occasionally, though, Derbenev does need a little help getting around.

A passerby captures the moment on video

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

In a video, shot by Fidana Durusova and posted on social media, Magnus can be seen walking beside Derbenev’s wheelchair as they make their way down a busy street. As they move along, the elderly Derbenev can be seen operating two hand levers.

Magnus helps his owner down the road

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

Ever the loyal dog – and to keep Derbenev moving along – every so often Magnus can be seen getting under the back of the wheelchair and giving a little push. When he is not pushing his owner along, Magnus runs up alongside the wheelchair to check the road ahead to make sure the way is clear.

Once Magnus is sure there are no obstacles, he runs back around behind the wheelchair, crawls underneath and pushes the axle of the wheel with his head. The pair repeats this process as they move down the road, as cars pass them by on the left of the busy street.

Derbenev prefers to do things by himself

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

After filming the sweet moment, Durusova approached Derbenev and offered him food and money. Derbenev refused, saying he prefers doing things by himself – with the exception of a little help from his pal Magnus, who the pensioner described as his only family.

Magnus helps despite his fears

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

Derbenev even related to Durusova how Magnus had been hit by a bus while helping him down the street once but had recovered and was back to helping him get around once again. In fact, Magnus had started helping his owner when he was only 4-months-old.

“It turns out that the dog has already been run over by a bus but despite his fear, Magnus continues staying with its owner on the street full of cars, helping him as much as he can,” Durusova was quoted as saying.

A dog’s true loyalty

YouTube/3W-News Source: YouTube/3W-News

It just goes to show the true loyalty of Magnus to Derbenev, and that he will help him no matter what.

Watch the video below!

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Source: 3W-News

H/T: Daily Star
