Mailman walks up to “aggressive” neighborhood dog, not knowing he’s being filmed

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

There’s a stereotype out there that says that all mailmen and mailwomen hate dogs. This video shows what can actually happen.

One morning, a German Shepherd was waiting at the front fence of his home. He was lying low, just waiting for someone or something to approach.

Eric Andersson/YouTube Source: Eric Andersson/YouTube

Then a mailman biked up to the home and placed some letters in the mailbox.

While he was doing this, the German Shepherd stood up and walked over to the mailman. He then leaped onto the top of the fence, close to the mailman.

Eric Andersson/YouTube Source: Eric Andersson/YouTube

The mailman responded by petting the dog’s head. The dog’s tail then started wagging. Clearly, the dog and mailman were friends.

Soon, the dog was trying to kiss the mailman. The mailman didn’t even recoil. Instead, he kept on petting the dog.

Eric Andersson/YouTube Source: Eric Andersson/YouTube

After a lot more petting, the mailman mounted his bike and rode away. Both the dog and the mailman’s days had been brightened by their interaction.

A video of the dog and mailman’s greeting then appeared on YouTube. It has since made a large impact. To date, it has gained over 830,000 views. It also has more than 300 likes and a range of comments. People have been saying things like this:

Eric Andersson/YouTube Source: Eric Andersson/YouTube

And this isn’t the only dog-mailman bonding video online. In fact, it’s a hugely popular genre of video!

Some uploads have even gained over one million views.

Of course, some mailmen and dogs really do have bad run-ins with one another (and not just mailmen. All sorts of visitors can irk a dog.)

That’s because many dogs are territorial and see strangers walking into their homes as invasions.

MAYA1/Flickr Source: MAYA1/Flickr

And what can make territorial behavior in dogs worse is the fact that mailmen and others leave the home quickly, which basically makes dogs think that their efforts to protect the home have paid off.

Luckily, it is possible to train dogs to be like the German Shepherd in this video.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

There are a few things that can help. For instance, if you leave dog treats in the mailbox along with a note to feed them to the dog, then the dog may soon start to think of the mailman as a friend instead of a foe.

Another thing that you can do to help a dog get along with the mailman is desensitization.

Ohbellagirl/Instagram Source: Ohbellagirl/Instagram

This involves getting the dog to associate the mailman as a positive thing by giving the dog a treat whenever the mailman is approaching. Of course, you have to be careful to ensure that the dog doesn’t think that you’re rewarding his barking when you’re doing this. So teaching a dog to stay and be quiet before giving them a treat is key to the desensitization.

At the end of the day, teaching a dog to be kind to mailmen can be a tricky thing to achieve. But as the German Shepherd video shows, it’s definitely worth it.

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Source: Eric Andersson, Pet Helpful
