Mailman doesn’t know he’s being filmed when he walks up to “aggressive”neighborhood dog

The German Shepherd is one of America’s most popular dog breeds.
They are big.
A German Shepherd can stand as high as 26 inches at the shoulder, thus making them perfect as working dogs.
Their impeccable agility makes them perfect guides and assistance workers for the handicapped, police and military service, herding, search and rescue, and drug detection.

Sadly, these characteristics also make people look at them differently.
Oftentimes, they are referred to as “dangerous” and “intimidating”, that’s why a lot of people are still afraid of them.
This is the sad truth about large dog breeds, they are misunderstood and misjudged.
A video breaks all those misconceptions.
Kyza is a German Shepherd, but unlike what many people think – he isn’t “dangerous” if you’d only give him the chance.

All this handsome GSD wants is a chance from his neighbors, so he could prove he is worthy of their love – and of course, treats.
Kyza rarely barks but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s up for something. He just wants to be understood and for people to be not scared of him and his breed.
Little did people know that this big fluffy boy is friends with a familiar face within the neighborhood and it was none other than their local mailman.
An unknown friendship.

His name is Steve and he is Kyza’s human friend aside from his owner, Michael Collins who secretly filmed them one day.
That day, Steve didn’t have any mail to deliver but still, he decided to stop and play with his furry friend.
Based on the clip alone, it looked like the two have already created some kind of deep level of friendship.
It’s a bond worth sharing.

Kyza was ready to pounce.
As he was about to park his bicycle, Kyza was patiently waiting at the corner and immediately hopped on the fence as soon as he confirmed it was Steve.
The happy dog’s bushy tail was wagging back and forth as the mailman was gently petting him.

Steve continued giving his furry buddy some good rubs for a couple of seconds.
In return, Kyza showered the kind mailman with some kisses all over his face.
It was just a beautiful moment between a man and a dog who found genuine friendship with each other.

Eventually, Steve had to leave Kyza in the meantime to continue his job.
Although we are certain he’s going to be back on the next day and on the many days, weeks, months, and years to come.
The clip racked up more than 1 million views.

Actually, one viewer was able to relate to Kyza and Steve’s friendship.
“I see this and get A little case of the sniffles.. Mine has been gone for almost ten years now but still when I see A German shepherd still I get choked up for A minute… He was with me for 16yrs and still was the best friend A guy could’ve asked for in life!. An amazing breed in every way possible!!. I recommend this breed to anyone who has kids and or looking just for A good companion in life cause they’ll do both lol.”

Watch the clip below to see that beautiful moment between Kyza and Steve!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Shareably – Animal Channel, YouTube – Eric Andersson