Mailman skeptical of 2-year-old wandering outside alone – follows him to find mom in danger

The job of carrying the mail has long been thought of as a tough task. No matter the weather, you must complete your day of work. Often these mailmen go through mud, snow, and rain to get the job done.

They also never know what they’re going to run into during a day. They could get chased by a dog, or even attacked by a turkey.

One story that we heard recently about a mailman was that of trying to put out a burning building. He stumbled upon a resident’s home that was on fire, and he quickly grabbed a hose and tried to put out the flames.


Source: Flickr/Scott Teresi

Mailmen have found pets that are running astray in the streets, and even accidentally broken up drug rings.

We’ve also heard of postal workers who try to stop crimes and other such things. Normally they call 911 and try to sort out the situations.

One popular mailman in Wayne, New Jersey has been delivering mail for over 30 years. Stephen Garofalo delivers all the mail in the small town and he loves doing it too.

YouTube/CBS New York Source: YouTube/CBS New York

Stephen knows every detail of his neighborhoods, if anything is out of the ordinary, he would know about it.

Just the other day, as Stephen was running his normal route, he stopped and noticed a young toddler wandering around the outdoors without an adult nearby. Stephen looked around quickly, and couldn’t find any older siblings, babysitters, or parents.

The mailman took a second and looked around for the mother. She was always with her son on walks, but he couldn’t seem to find her.

So the New Jersey postal worker pulled his truck into the nearest spot and jumped out to talk to the lost young man.

YouTube/CBS New York Source: YouTube/CBS New York

He noticed right off the bat that the boy seemed nervous. The toddler kept looking towards his house and gestured like he was scared.

“…when I grabbed the child I said, ‘Where’s your mother?’ and he pointed inside.”

Stephen realized rather quickly that something was wrong, so he rushed over to the house to see what was going on. What he saw scared him.

Stephen wasn’t ready for what he saw next. Mrs. Wilson was hunched over the stroller, completely unconscious.

The man tried to wake her, but she was unresponsive, so he called for 911. He then watched the little toddler while staying right by the injured woman.

YouTube/CBS New York Source: YouTube/CBS New York

Stephanie Wilson was rushed to the hospital, and diagnosed with a reaction to some of the medications she had been prescribed.

Doctors say that the postman saved Stephanie’s life, and that without his heroic efforts, it might have been a different story.

“If it wasn’t for him, the EMT wouldn’t have gotten there as quickly and I wouldn’t have been brought to the hospital.”

The USPS (United States Postal Service) honored Stephen with the Life-Saving Award, a rare award given to the best of their employees for heroic acts.

“I feel like I’m part of this community. Actually, I’m here more than my own community.”

YouTube/CBS New York Source: YouTube/CBS New York

Mrs. Wilson feels like she could never thank Stephen enough.

“Every time I see him, he says ‘How are you doing today? I say I’m doing good and thank you very much. I thank him every day.”

You can watch the video of how it all went down below. Stephen is a hero, and we want to honor him for it!

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Source: YouTube, SpotlightStories, Flickr
