Make adorable “no-sew” folded star ornaments with just 4 strips of fabric and an iron

Christmas is right around the corner and most of us have already decorated our houses with a Christmas tree and everything that comes with it.

Still, it’s never too late to add extra decorative pieces to your house, and now is definitely the time to prepare any handmade gifts if you feel like it.

Folded stars are an easy solution.

Unsplash - Alsu Vershinina Source: Unsplash - Alsu Vershinina

For those who love playing and experimenting with crafts and fabric, these no-stitch ornaments are a great idea.

If you have time to spend at home or if you just want to create something cute for a loved one that will appreciate it, this is the easiest way to make fabric ornaments by far.

The best part? There’s no sewing.

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Following Samantha’s directions, you just can’t go wrong. Plus, these ornaments are so inexpensive.

You really need nothing more than some strips of fabric, a flatter spray, a flat iron, and threads to hang the ornaments.

If this sounds interesting, then just keep reading because it gets even better.

Samantha from Stitchin’ Post on YouTube explains right from the start that this craft is all about pressing and folding.

And, having watched her video, we can confirm that.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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So let’s get right into it.

One tip that Samantha shares with the viewers is that a tiny iron will work better for this craft because it gives more precision than a regular-sized one.

Also, she admits she has scorched her fingers more than once when using the big iron.

But it’s completely up to you what size of iron you’ll choose. You can just go with what you have on hand.

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Gather 4 strips of fabric.

For one ornament, Samantha uses four strips of fabric. The size of the strips is about 4 inches by 14, and she uses two colors for each ornament.

You can go ahead and use four different colors, two like her or three- it’s completely up to your taste.

So, she takes each strip and presses it into quarters by bringing the sides into the middle.

Samantha makes sure to leave a teeny tiny gap in the middle so when she folds it in half there’s no excess fabric in the middle.

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She repeats the same process with all the strips and then moves on to the next step.

The folding pattern is simple.

She now folds one strip away from her, making sure to leave about an inch and a half.

Then, she folds the second one in the same way, but this time towards her.

She repeats this process once more for each of the remaining strips.

YouTube - Stitchin' Post Source: YouTube - Stitchin' Post

Once done with both pairs, move one pair horizontally and start the weaving process.

Put the end that opens up inside the end of the cloth that is closed on the opposite strip.

That’ll give you four woven squares.

Flip over any shorter pieces on the top, and then repeat the process.

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Secure them tightly by weaving the last long strip into the first piece.

Time for the star tips.

Get one of the longer strips and fold this layer away from you.

Then, fold it in half and tuck the excess fabric in the pocket that has formed underneath.

YouTube - Stitchin' Post Source: YouTube - Stitchin' Post

Repeat with all the other star points and there you have it.

Last but not least, stitch the thread at the top and your handmade ornament is ready to hang.

Watch Samantha’s step-by-step guide to making folded star ornaments in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Stitchin’ Post, Chicken Scratch NY
