Mama bear scolds bear cub for peeking in house window and the video is hilariously relatable

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

Every mother needs to teach their children to be polite. This mama bear is definitely doing that, as the footage proves.

Sumer Walser Williams and her family live in a rural home in North Carolina.

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

Due to coronavirus, they haven’t been able to host any friends recently. But then some very unusual guests stopped by.

It was the middle of the night. Everyone was sound asleep, but then something alerted the family dog. He darted downstairs and started barking like mad.

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

Soon, everyone else was wide awake. Sumer, her husband and her kids went to see what had agitated their dog so much and were amazed at what they found.

A bear cub was peering through the glass door. At first, he was standing on hind legs, trying his best to look intimidating to the dog, but no one was fooled.

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

Then the cub walked right up to the window and leaned against it, getting a better look inside.

Naturally, the dog didn’t like this and kept on barking.

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

The mother bear, who had been enjoying the food in the garbage, started climbing onto Sumer’s deck. Sumer called out to her husband to look at what was happening.

Soon, the mother bear had reached her baby. She told him off for being so nosy. Clearly, she was telling him to not pry into the humans’ private lives.

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

But the baby wanted to keep on looking. So the mother started gently pushing the baby away from the window. Still, the baby kept on peering in. So the mother gripped the back of her baby’s neck with her mouth and carried him off.

Then the mother and baby started walking off of the deck. Hopefully, the baby had learned his lesson.

Summer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Summer Walser Williams/Facebook

Luckily, Sumer was filming this amazing occurrence.

She then uploaded the footage to Facebook. In just over a week, it has spread far and wide. To date, the video has gained almost 700,000 views. It also has more than 1,900 shares, 1,300 reactions and 350 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook Source: Sumer Walser Williams/Facebook

Obviously, this footage is remarkable, because it’s rare to see bears at all, let alone curious baby bears!

However, North Carolina, which is where Sumer and her family live, does have a thriving black bear population.

National Park Service Source: National Park Service

In the late 2000s, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission estimated that there were 11,000 of this species of bear in the state.

But black bears haven’t always thrived in North Carolina.

Gustav Mutzel/Wikimedia Source: Gustav Mutzel/Wikimedia

After Europeans colonized the land that would become the state, the populations of these animals drastically shrank. Then in the 1920s, the American chestnut blight further damaged their numbers.

The black bear only started making a comeback in North Carolina around 40 years ago.

National Park Service Source: National Park Service

What’s amazing about this is that the black bears have repopulated themselves without human help. Wild turkeys and white-tailed deer have required human intervention to recover their numbers, but black bears rebounded naturally.

Hopefully, black bears like the ones in Sumer’s video will continue to thrive in North Carolina and everywhere else they call home.

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Source: Sumer Walser Williams, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Bored Panda
