Mama cat shows the meaning of “mama bear” when 3 dogs go after her kitten

Nothing is as powerful as a mother’s love. Our moms will do anything for us, at any moment. And if you are a mother yourself, you can totally relate to this cat mom, too.

This mama cat proved one important point recently: if you mess with mom’s baby, you mess with mom.

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In video footage that was captured outside a Turkish jewelry shop, there is proof of a heroic mother’s actions. In a horrifying video, you can see a tiny kitten being chased and terrorized by a pack of three stray dogs. The kitten does what it can to defend itself, but these dogs are all bigger and stronger.

When the kitten runs around the corner it seems like all hope is lost.

Because the baby cat has no physical strength to help it fight off these dogs, its only option is to run away. So the kitten turns around and runs around a corner in an attempt to fight off these dogs. But they chase after him fast, and it seems like things are about to get really bad for this cute kitten.

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But then the mother cat shows up to defend the baby.

When this kitten’s mother shows up, everything changes. This fierce cat leaps into action to protect her baby and fight off the attackers. As soon as she shows up, things change. She throws herself into action–literally leaping onto the back of one of the dogs.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition Source: YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

She claws and bites these dogs, and she doesn’t seem to care at all that she’s so outnumbered or so much smaller than the dogs. Pretty quickly, the dogs start to realize that they picked the wrong cats to mess with and they run away. Not quite satisfied, mama chases after them for a bit, to ensure that they never come back.

Mama cat proved to the dogs that they should leave her baby alone, and her bravery paid off.

flickr - Beshr Abdulhadi Source: flickr - Beshr Abdulhadi

This brave mom loved her baby so much that she was willing to risk her life to save her baby.

That kind of bravery is powerful, and one that only a mother could truly understand. Even when she falls on her back, this mama doesn’t stop fighting for her kitten. She gets right back up and does what needs to be done for her baby. It’s a great moment to watch and we applaud this mom’s strength.

flickr - Pelle Sten Source: flickr - Pelle Sten

These cats were probably strays, but that doesn’t mean they are unloved in Turkey.

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There are a lot of stray cats in Turkey, where this video is from, but these strays receive an abundance of love and admiration from the citizens of Turkey.

For many businesses and organizations in Turkey, their mascot is a cat, and shop owners regularly feed and house the stray cats in their neighborhood. This means that these beloved animals, despite being strays, usually end up living a good life, full of love and happiness.

flickr - Pedro Source: flickr - Pedro

Let’s hope these cats continue to have a great life, and let’s all be grateful for our brave moms who would do anything for us!

flickr - Verity Cridland Source: flickr - Verity Cridland

Cats are intriguing creatures, and it’s special to see them acting in such a relatable way. This reminds us of all the brave things our own moms did for us over the years. A mother’s love is boundless, and this video proves that a mother’s love also knows no species.

To see a mother’s love in action, watch the video below.

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Source: The Guardian, Inside Edition
