Mama dog keeps nursing her puppies even after being hit by car and breaking her spine

Being a mother means doing anything and everything you can for your children.

No matter what your situation, your responsibility to your offspring trumps everything else.

This is the story of Jessie the dog, an inspiring mother to young pups.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Jessie was nursing and caring for her young puppies.

Unfortunately, she was struck by a vehicle and left with terrible injuries. The collision broke her spine.

Despite the pain she was in, however, nothing was going to stop her from caring for her puppies. All that mattered to her was that they survive and grow.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Rescue organization comes to the family’s aide.

Sidewalks specials is a rescue organization that helps animals in need.

Whether it’s dogs in abusive situations or adopting those scheduled to be put down at shelters, Sidewalk specials will come to their aide and seek homes for them.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

“We rescue dogs from abusive situations and off euthanasia lists,” Sidewalk Specials About Us page reads. “100% foster based rescue: meaning no overheads, no stressed out shelter dogs, we know our rescues personally and can match them to the right home.”

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Jessie’s owner reached out to Sidewalk Specials for help.

“We were approached by Jessie’s owner whilst on outreach, he said his dog had been hit by a car and was sick…” the organization wrote.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Jessie was taken in for medical evaluation where it was determined she had a broken spine. Despite her horrible injuries, however, she never stops nursing her young.

“X-rays indicated Jessie’s accident happened just after she’d given birth. Feeding five puppies with a broken spine- what a brave mommy!”

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Jessie’s puppies are up for adoption.

Things could have turned out much worse for Jessie.

Had a rescue organization not been contacted, and her injuries never treated, she might have deteriorated to a state where caring for her young was not possible.

Now, both she and her puppies are doing well.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

The rescuers named the puppies Mango, Litchi, Pawpaw, Kiwi, and Avo. Sidewalk Specials is looking for forever homes for all of the adorable little puppies.

“One month later and Jessie’s doing well, she’s on trial at her forever home and now it’s her pups turn to find their humans…”

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

Jessie’s commitment to her puppies goes viral online.

Being dedicated to your children is a trait that really touches the hearts of many. There is something so universal about parental love. When Sidewalk Specials posted Jessie’s story online, it went viral as people just couldn’t get enough of her and her little puppies.

Many of those who have viewed the video have felt compelled to leave a comment as well.

“What a wonderful mom you are Jessie, and so glad that you have a forever home, you really deserve it…thank you Sidewalk Specials for the outstanding work you do…” one viewer wrote.

YouTube - Sidewalk Specials Source: YouTube - Sidewalk Specials

“Great mom and beautiful puppies, may they all end up with loving families. Thanks, Sidewalk Specials!” Wrote another.

Just yesterday I saw the first video of this amazing supermom hero who wagged her tail and nursed her beautiful babies through those painful and horrific injuries, and I’ve asked for some updates ..and here they are! Supermom is now healed, beautiful and adopted, and I am sure those spectacular meatballs of hers won’t wait long for their fore er homes!”

Learn more about Jessie’s story in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Sidewalk Specials/Sidewalk Specials
