Person dumps scared dog and her 9 puppies in church parking lot and doesn’t look back

It’s heartbreaking to see innocent animals abandoned.

We can’t imagine how someone could be so heartless and leave them helpless with no food, water, and shelter.

Unsplash - Evan Clark Source: Unsplash - Evan Clark

Our hearts would immediately pour out to these creatures. If we have the capacity to do so, we take them in and hope they get adopted.

Unfortunately, this is something common within the country.

Unsplash - Anthony Young Source: Unsplash - Anthony Young

According to statistics, the ratio of homeless animals to homeless humans is 5:1. An alarming rate of 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or given up to shelters every year, while 670,000 of them get euthanized due to health reasons or lack of shelter space.

Somebody abandoned this five-year-old mama boxer with her nine puppies.

The puppies were only two weeks old, meaning they all needed immediate care and attention so they would survive. A concerned citizen took photos and social media of this dog family looking frightened in a parking lot of North Side Baptiste Church in Abilene, Texas.

Thankfully, an animal rescue group saw the post and immediately came to the rescue.

“I saw the picture, and it just broke my heart, and I called Angel, and we went and rescued the dogs,” Misty Boerger told local ABC affiliate station KTXS12.

Misty, along with her friend, Angel Urban, runs Paw Angel Animal Rescue. They went to the location and loaded the dogs into their car. They made sure that all of them would get proper care as soon as possible.

They named the mama dog Dory and gave all nine puppies respective names, too.

Once they got home, they saw how Dory had some wounds that needed some tending to. The puppies also seemed sick. True enough, one of the puppies named Peach had a tumor in her throat. Sadly, she had to be euthanized because the vet said she had very little chance of surviving.

Misty temporarily fostered all of them.

Dory and her puppies were with her until they were big enough to be sent to more permanent homes – either another foster home or their furever home. Until then, she made sure that they all got the shots they needed and that they got spayed and neutered.

The best news? Dory stayed with Misty while the puppies were adopted.

Dory lives the best life possible with Misty and her family. She even got a brother named Pongo, whom she loves playing with. She also got a hooman brother (Misty’s son), and seeing them grow together is adorable. Their bond is priceless!

To date, Misty and the rest of the Paw Angel Animal Rescue still need a lot of help.

They still have lots of animals – mostly cats and dogs – which are up for adoption. You can check their Facebook page for more information. Furthermore, they continuously need financial help for their rescues’ food and other medical needs.

Watch the video below to see more about this amazing rescue!

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Source: KTXS12, People, Paw Angel Animal Rescue Facebook Page, The Zebra
