Heartbroken mama horse that birthed an unconscious baby ‘adopts’ orphaned foal

Mothers feel pain and grief when they lose their children while giving birth. All that anticipation of meeting the little one soon would then be replaced by the dread of parting.

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Animals also experience this and all the emotions that come with it. Most adult animals will keep looking for their young ones, not knowing they have already lost them.

Queen Uniek’s Grief

Queen Uniek was expecting her first child. However, the moment she went into labor, this Friesian horse somehow knew that something wasn’t right. She exhibited the behavior of an anxious animal: strutting in circles inside her stable while flaming her lips every now and then.

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Uniek’s owner, Yvonne, stood beside the poor horse to calm her down. She slowly lay on the ground, but Yvonne could still feel her anxiety.

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Uniek gave birth an hour later with the assistance of the farm’s resident veterinarians. Unfortunately, the foal was unconscious when they pulled it out. They tried to revive it, but the foal didn’t make it. They thought it may have passed hours ago inside Uniek’s womb, which explained her anxiety.

A Mother’s Heartbreak

We could never imagine how heartbroken Queen Uniek must have been. So, Yvonne stayed behind to comfort her. Uniek kept licking her foal as if trying to revive him.

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The veterinarians took the foal out of the stable while Yvonne comforted her for hours. The Friesian horse kept looking around the stable as if looking for her foal. Yvonne could only wish there was something to calm her down.

The Orphaned Foal

The next day, Yvonne received wonderful news from her friend. She called to tell her they had an orphaned foal in their care and asked if they could foster it.

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Yvonne was tentative about it since she didn’t know how Queen Uniek would react to another horse’s foal. On the other hand, it may just be the perfect solution to end Uniek’s grief.

A Barn Full of Hope

Her friend drove all the way to Yvonne’s farm and brought the foal. They brought the foal closer to Uniek. They sniffed each other, and their movements were tentative at that point.

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But in a matter of minutes, Queen Uniek started doing this little dance – a sign that she was happy to meet this foal and was ready to claim him to be her own.

“It was a very special moment. I never thought this would happen. We knew instantly that Queen Uniek accepted Rising Star,” Yvonne told The Dodo.

The Bond of Mother and Child

That first meeting was only the beginning of what would then become a stronger bond between mother and child. Queen Uniek always made sure Rising Side never went out of sign.

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Uniek became very protective of her son, even when they walked out on the field. She let him run around but always kept a close eye on him.

On the other hand, Rising Side tried to walk as close to Uniek as possible. They often saw him trotting right behind Uniek and followed her around wherever she went.

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Source: The Dodo YouTube Channel
