Man adopts two unloved pit bulls, not knowing they’d later save his life

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Robert McGowan saw what many others couldn’t in Ellabelle and Ladybug. These pit bulls had big hearts. Later, he learned that they were also fiercely loyal.

Pit bulls languish in shelters all across America. Many people shun them. But this story shows that they’re great companions and protectors.


McGowan realized that he needed to adopt a dog. So he went to the shelter, not knowing what kinds of dogs were currently waiting for forever homes.

Volunteers told McGowan that the two dogs who had been in the shelter the longest were Ellabelle and Ladybug, two pit bull sisters.

Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan Source: Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan

After looking into Ellabelle and Ladybug’s eyes, McGowan new that these two would be great to have around the home.

McGowan’s home was small, but compared to the shelter, it was huge. The dogs couldn’t believe that they were in a comfortable place with a human who loved them.

Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan Source: Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan

Pretty soon, McGowan and the dogs became a family. Ellabelle and Ladybug loved lazing around all day with McGowan. But one day, they would have to jump right into action.

In late 2019, McGowan was in his garage, with the door open. While he was looking through the items in the garage, four men ran up to him.

Woodstock Police GA/Facebook Source: Woodstock Police GA/Facebook

They started beating him.

“One just punched me straight in the eye.” – Robert McGowan.

Then the men demanded the keys to his car. McGowan said that he didn’t have it. It was inside.

With Robert incapacitated, the men ran into the home.

Luckily, the dogs had heard this commotion and were waiting for them behind the door leading to the home from the garage.

Mayloandcirila_life/Instagram Source: Mayloandcirila_life/Instagram

The animals snarled at the thieves. The men then turned around and ran as fast as they could. Ellabelle and Ladybug then chased the men for a while, ensuring that they would not be back for a while.

Once they had taught the men their lesson, the dogs ran back to McGowan, worried about his wellbeing.

Luckily, the robbers had not seriously injured McGowan. The beating had stunned him, but he realized that he would be ok.

Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan Source: Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan

McGowan was overjoyed to know this his beloved dogs had saved him. He has since been giving them many more treats and toys. They definitely deserve it!

McGowan has urged others to adopt pit bulls. His story proves why they can be incredible animals.

Most pit bull dogs are just as loyal and loving as Ellabelle and Ladybug.

Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan Source: Stories of Animals/YouTube/Robert McGowan

But as with most things in life, a few people are responsible for pit bulls’ negative reputation. Pit bulls need to have training to be properly socialized, but some owners are not willing to put the effort in. That results in a few dogs who, through no fault of their own, are overly aggressive.

McGowan spent the time training up his pit bulls to be social animals. The robbery was the only time that he’s seen them behave at all violently to others.

Any well-trained pit bull will be like Ellabelle and Ladybug.

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Source: The Dodo, Honest to Paws, Dogtime, Stories of Animals
