Man asks if other people’s dogs poop in weird positions – gets 15 epic pics as answers

Recently, Will Formico asked a question to the Dogspotting Society Facebook community that has had him curious.
His dog seems to find the most bizarre places to go to the bathroom at, and on.
“Anyone else got a dog that takes dukeys in weird positions?”

He threw the hot topic question out there, and the good people of the internet responded.
Formico has received nearly 3k responses.
Many of which were sent in a picture of their dog doing their dirty work in the same manner.
While there is no definite scientific explanation for why dogs poop where they poop, we have to remember that it’s a form of communication for them.
Dogs typically take their time smelling the ground and learning about what other dogs have done in the area, to find the right spot to plant some communication of their own.

Aside from that bit of info, animal advocate and teacher, Elisabeth Geier, says some dogs develop surface preferences for pooping when they’re young.

“For instance, some pups prefer soft, grassy surfaces and won’t poop on bare dirt.” Meanwhile, “Paper or potty pad trained dogs could have a hard time transitioning to natural surfaces,” she wrote in an article for The Dog People.
Geier also says, “like humans, they could have a hard time going to the bathroom in ‘public’ places.”
It turns out we’re all similar to dogs when it comes to finding a comfortable spot to take a load off.

So, be patient and give your pup the time they need to make that moment a bit more meaningful to them.
It’s time to take a trip down the Hershey highway and see some of the pictures that were posted in response.
1. No one can see me
This dog has gone into the most prickly bathroom stall he could find. It doesn’t look comfortable to me but, at least it’s private.

2. Like mortar
The mortar has been whipped up, and now, who’s got the bricks? This timeless construction method lives on with this pup. He was probably a great mason in a previous life.

3. Official police business
Throw up some caution tape, cause we have a crime scene here! I assume the owner will gather the evidence but, we’re gonna need a forensics expert to figure out what happened, and why?

4. It’s all in the history books
Buildings had been destroyed and columns lay on the ground. Romulus and Remus had been dethroned and the Roman empire was overthrown. To this day some of the ruins can still be seen.

5. The little gardener that couldn’t
He wanted to plant some of his crops before the winter came. He pictured a big harvest when the time was just right. But all because the pot was upside down, nothing was able to grow.

6. Keep the flowers healthy
…and keep people’s shoes clean. These are the socially conscience thoughts running through this Goldie’s mind. Thank you!

7. Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it on a rock. This Instagram celebrity pup is blowing up and blowing out on the hottest landmarks around the world. Just look at this wayside charmer.

8. Island time
It’s a slower pace of life and you have to make adjustments to your expectations. Just relax, and take in the sights and the sounds. But not the smells.

9. Lookout!
Sure, it’s beautiful on the river! But even as calming and tranquil as the water is, you still need to keep an eye upstream for floating debris. Like big logs. Those can kill ya!

10. Dump on a stump
Lassie on the grassie. He’s pretty proud of his aim and he did make it easy to pick up. But we all know, around the corner it could be a fruit stand nightmare. Dingleberries!!

11. Dung wall
Remember, It all started with one piece back in 1993, when someone pioneered the famous gum wall in Seattle, Washington. Let’s give this 27 more years and see where this goes.

12. Puddle of mud
A nice relaxing day at the beach, and then it hits. With no bathrooms in sight, your options are limited. But at least you are thankful for the running water.

13. Nothing to see here
We have a planter box and we have a planter. But how do you get the plants to grow so tall and lush? Tell us the secret.

14. Might be here for a while
Find your anchor points for comfort and longevity. Chainlink is the way to go. By the way, the wound on its foot is all healed up these days.

15. Pull my foot
Pugsly is a joker and we all know how this trick goes. We won’t participate in this type of humor and you’re on your own.

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Source: Bored Panda, Facebook, Rover