Man makes use of huge snow dump by building family amazing labyrinth-like igloo

Who loves the snow? Do you love snow? Do you love building snowpeople, snow angels, and snow buildings?

Blake Dixon took it a step further.

He built a place where you can literally chill and hang out: a multi-room igloo in his yard.

Blake lives in South Euclid, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. It’s a place that gets a lot of snow, that’s why it’s the perfect place to build a “second home.”

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Blake dreams of igloos.

Okay, not really. But, since he was in middle school, Blake has always dreamt of building an igloo or even a snow castle.

Of course, at that time, he was hindered by his knowledge and his age.

Now that he’s older with a graduate degree under his belt, nothing is going to stop him from building that igloo.

“I’ve always been a fan of the snow. Many people complain about it but I try to find a way to make it fun,” Blake told FOX 8 News Cleveland.

Instagram - Blake Dixon Source: Instagram - Blake Dixon

Every winter, Blake did his best to create the best and sturdiest igloo he could make in his yard.

This time, he finally did it.

Would you believe Blake, his girlfriend, Joy, and his friend, Ed, completed this igloo in just over a week?

They had a big pile of snow and they were working to scoop out the inside.

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He had his setbacks.

In the process, the top collapsed and ruined their work.

Blake was not going to give up though. With Blake’s ingenuity and their persistence, they were able to reconstruct the dome and move forward with the build.

When they were done, they successfully built an igloo with a sitting/living area, a hallway, and a second room.

They were able to achieve Blake’s goal of making people smile.

Instagram - Blake Dixon Source: Instagram - Blake Dixon

Ohio is full of snow.

And he wanted to give the people he knew a reason to love it. Besides, this is a house you can’t get anywhere else, especially in sunny places like Florida.

The question we need to ask though, can you hold a party in there? How many people will fit in that igloo?

They tried it and they were able to fit seven adults and two children with so much room to spare.

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Time to bring out the food.

It’s still pretty cold there though so we wonder how long that party will last. Or Blake might kick them out earlier than usual because he’s still not done with the build.

Instagram - Blake Dixon Source: Instagram - Blake Dixon

He’s not done, either.

Yes, he’s still going to add a couple more features in the igloo.

“I wanna put a – chimney where you can add fire to, I want to make it toasty,” Blake shared.

Now that’s something we need to see. A fire inside an igloo? What will happen?

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No matter what he decides to add, his family appreciates what he has already done.

“It makes you appreciate winter. He loves the snow so much and he’s done such a wonderful job with these igloos,” a family member added.

Instagram - Blake Dixon Source: Instagram - Blake Dixon

Tour Blake’s incredible labyrinth-like family igloo in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – FOX 8 News Cleveland, Unofficial Networks, Instagram – Blake Dixon
