This man cracked open an unusually large egg and discovered more than a simple yolk

Eggs are a great food to eat. They are super tasty, they work with tons of other ingredients and dishes, and they pack a huge punch of protein. They are pretty much the perfect refrigerator staple… What’s not to love?!
Of course, eggs are totally safe to eat although sometimes it feels like they have some strange moments. Like when you crack and egg to find a double yolk or a few droplets of blood. Still, even when those things happen, it is nothing to fret. We are dealing with mother nature after all, and she can get up to some pretty strange stuff!
One thing that felt more unusual than normal though was back in July 2015, when YouTube user, Ashmorerv, discovered perhaps one of the strangest eggs ever.

It was an abnormally large egg so they knew it was unlike any other egg straight off the bat.
In the clip, which went viral and currently clocks in at nearly 11 million views today, the owner of the chicken begins to chip away at the shell of the enormous egg.

They work with much hesitation in an attempt to keep whatever is inside safe.
They slowly reveal one perfectly normal-looking yolk in the egg. It drops out of its shell and into the bowl. Okay, it’s just a regular normal yellow yolk, right?
Well, no.

The most fascinating part about this is that it did not end there. It was a huge egg after all, and that is because there was something else inside of it. But what?
Turns out that there was another full egg inside of the egg they were cracking open. Yep, they found an egg within an egg. So then they pulled the second egg out and cracked that one to reveal that it had another perfectly fine yolk inside. Think Russian dolls, but with eggs.

Eggception, right?!
The person who uploaded this video is actually the owner of the chicken who laid the egg, so they are completely in-the-know about the chicken’s health, who seemed to be fine after that happened. It is great because they can keep a close eye on the chicken every day to look out for anything out of the ordinary.
“Our 7 month old Normal size chicken has started laying a very large egg with another egg inside it,” the chicken’s owner wrote in the description of the video. “She has done this a couple of times in the past week, she does not seem to be harmed by this.”

According to the farmer, both yolks from the eggs tasted completely normal too.
Imagine cooking an egg like that — no big deal!

Double-shelled eggs are very rare and while we’re not exactly sure why they happen, we know how they happen, according to Poultry Help.

It happens when βan egg that is nearly ready be laid reverses direction and gets a new layer of albumen covered by a second shell,β according to reports from PH.
This process is actually called “counter-peristalsis contraction.”
Who would’ve thought? See the video of the egg being cracked open below!
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