Man documents sobriety journey over 3 years, looks like a whole new person

As it is with a lot of things in life, it’s best not to overdo things. With alcohol, things tend to get out of hand sometimes, as drinking is just embedded in our society. Alcohol is practically synonymous with bars and parties, and plenty of us just have a couple of drinks now and then. For some, it can be hard to resist a drink. Of course – there’s nothing really wrong with having a few glasses once in a while, as long as it doesn’t get out of hand.

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However, some people who have suffered from alcoholism decide to throw their life around for the better by staying completely sober.

One of those people is the 37-year-old Kenny. He had been dealing with an alcohol issue lately and decided one day that it would finally be enough. He took the first few brave steps to quit alcohol entirely and start his journey of sobriety.

Somewhat by accident, Kenny decided to document his journey by taking selfies at a regular interval.

“I took a picture of myself the day I got my first sobriety coin, 24 hours sober. I felt so ill and I looked so bad, I wanted to remember it so I wouldn’t forget. The day I got my 30-day coin, I thought my look had changed drastically so I took another selfie,” the man told Bored Panda.

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In the first picture, you can tell that Kenny is a really poor shape and mood.

It’s a pretty rough picture to look at, and the man doesn’t seem happy at all. In fact, he seems in pain and agony.

However, when Kenny got his 30 days sober coin from the AA, he noticed a very drastic change in the selfie.

Just one month later, the difference is already very noticeable.

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There’s a slight smile to be seen there, and Kenny looks a lot better than thirty days earlier. The railroad worker decided to document his entire journey to sobriety, which has been going on for three years now and counting.

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For his one year sober anniversary, he decided to upload a comparison picture to the social site Reddit – he couldn’t believe it when his post blew up and hundreds of people were leaving behind supportive comments.

“On my one-year anniversary, I took my picture and posted a side by side on Reddit and called it the Progression of Sobriety. I thought it would just be something uplifting for people to see, I had no idea I would get the kind of response that I did. The post was flooded with comments from people asking me about alcoholism and how I stopped drinking.” Kenny said.

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As time went by, Kenny decided to open up about his demons and his own personal story regarding alcoholism. Even though it’s a part of his life that the man wants to forget, he does hope that hearing his story could help another person struggling with alcohol addiction. For Kenny, it all started in college, even though it became noticeably worse a decade later.

“I started drinking in college. But it didn’t become a real problem until about 10 years ago. I began drinking often and always to excess. I discovered at one point that I could not control the amount I drank once I had taken the first drink. I could not drink without getting drunk. So I decided to quit.” Kenny told.

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Kenny hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol since he started his journey and he looks like a different man.

Not drinking not only affects your mental state but your physical state as well. Kenny is in much better shape and he began to lead a more healthy lifestyle as well. He decided to organize his nutrition with a 12-step program and also started to do DDP Yoga, which is an intensive and workout-focused yoga program designed by former professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page.

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Nutrition, workouts and most importantly not drinking has truly transformed this man. Three years ago, this guy would drink up to 24 glasses a night – but today, he’s a smiling and shining man who has never been healthier and happier.

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“All I wanted to do was to stop drinking and to get my life back. I had no idea that I would get a whole new life that was full of more joy, happiness, and freedom than I could have possibly imagined.”

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An inspirational journey, to say the least!

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Source: Bored Panda
